Reviews for Collide
Pulcotinette chapter 14 . 8/30/2019
Nightrunner was my summer read and even though I just inished the third, I couldn't resist fanfic (and yours). I hoped I wouldn't get too spoiled, and beside the established relationship between Thero and Klia (only hinted at in the third) and the state of Nyal and Beka's one, everything is fine. I like your story very much! it was funny enough to imagine Seregil excited about our world.
When is/was the last chapter supposed to be published? Although to be sincere, this could be the end as well, I don't think I'd mind that much.
Thank you!
Chubby-King-Chocobo chapter 14 . 10/3/2014
I just read the first two books of this series last week and is utterly in love with the characters. I am sad that the author does not approve of fanfiction but think I can understand her reason.

That being said, yeeeesssss. This is everything I was looking for in a nightrunner fanfic. Absolutely lovely, heart heart breaking, and the characterization feels so true. I do wish that you have plans to continue, but this already has a potential happily ever after that I was surprised you didn't leave it off once Roland came into the picture-which makes me think you have more up your sleeve-in which case, or any case, I would be more than delighted to read more.

Thank you for posting. This has been a wonderful treat...emotional aches and all.
DangerousCZ chapter 14 . 3/26/2014
This was really interesting to read! I enjoyed it from start to finish - well, the 14th chapter. I think it's quite obvious that it's going to have a happy ending (or it seems and I hope so ;))... but you promised the last chapter and it's still not here! :-o It's been quite some time since you last posted so I don't suppose you will write the last chapter... or will you? I would certainly love to read it. Anyway, chapter 14 is a great ending. ;) Thank you for the story. There were times when I thought... oh, no, again, you're overthinking it (the characters) which was sometimes a little bit too much, but they were minor things and I love the story as a whole. :) It took me two days to read it because I had quite a lot of work to do and I couldn't even sleep as I was looking forward to reading again. ;)
Guest chapter 14 . 2/15/2014
Awww... Will this be updated again?
Nonnie chapter 14 . 1/23/2014
What? No last chapter? What?
BlueRaven chapter 13 . 9/28/2013
This is so good that I may have stayed up till 4:30am to read it...
Ah Roland, that name will always make me smile ;)
Guest chapter 14 . 9/28/2013
So happy 3 :D
laddybuck chapter 14 . 7/27/2013
no! have you ended this beautiful story! I need my closure, this is such a well done fic! please finish it...
AccountHasBeenDeletedSorry chapter 14 . 9/17/2012
A really great story with a great ending. I loved it. I would be great if you could write some more fanfics about Seregil and Alec ;D
Tazz Dieudonne chapter 14 . 7/10/2012
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Please write more! please oh please! I'm such a fan of this book! Thank you so much for writing this. It is just what I needed so I don't go crazy waiting for the next book.
dtk9 chapter 14 . 6/24/2012
Reading this story has been a remarkably emotional experience for me - and, I imagine, for anyone else who is as in love with Alec and Seregil as I am! : ) thank you for writing it, and for daring to present such an unusual premise, and for giving the characters such life. Please give them a dazzlingly happy ending!
magicaemy chapter 14 . 6/15/2012
Fantastic... Sorry for my English. I also think it's almost better than the original story! you have to keep writing! please!
Hot elf chapter 14 . 5/29/2012
Please please please do continue! Awesome story, so well written and engaging!

It even made me put aside the new Nightrunner book... Very nice work!
MadMaddy1200 chapter 14 . 3/30/2012
This is absolutely wonderful. You've done an incredible job with the characters, and if you don't mind me saying it, I think your writing prowess rivals the original! Thank you so much for sharing it!
Phreedom chapter 14 . 11/29/2011
At first i would like to say sorry for my bad english- not my native language.

I was sceptical when i saw title and summary, but after reading first two chapters i fell in love in this story. So beautiful and moving. I feel so bad for Not-Alec that i almost cried my eyes out. I've never heard about Sia, so I found this song (from Alec's email signature)and i think it fits perfectly to the mood of this fanfic, and Alec sadness. I also like this "modern" Alec and Seregi...I mean Rolan ;). For me they have faces of young River Phoenix and Ben Barnes. I Just hope that You will continue this story, and it wouldn't be the last one about Not-Alec and his modern tali :). Best wishes for you !
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