Reviews for Falling Down
Kormaninc chapter 9 . 4/1
Peyton's life had been a non-stop rollercoaster ride of chaos and meetings and artist demands for the past few years and she'd been lucky to find even two minutes to herself. She knew Brooke's schedule had been no different if

But remember she had time to find another rebound guy, go to film festivals, carry Lucas' book and move in while she couldn't have time for an engagement lmao lmao oh Peyton trying to be more vindictive when she was a freaking intern paid to get coffee 3 yrs ago. And probably had a one night stand at the most with said rebound due to her busy life suddenly the last two years
Kormaninc chapter 10 . 4/1
"And eventually, I fell in love with him."
Suddenly, the knife plunged into his gut sharply. Excruciating pain billowed up within him and he clutched the armrests of his chair furiously. His eyes bore a hole into his lap. He did everything in his power not to look at the blonde across from him.
"But even when he moved in with me, and even when we went to film festivals and did couple-y things, I still carried your book around with me. Julian actually thought it was a bible at first." She laughed softly. "But then, one day, he found a picture of you. We had a big fight and then he left, and when he did, I realized something."
"I realized that the reason I carried your novel around with me and kept that picture of you was because even though I PRETENDED I loved Julian, it was nothing compared to the love I have for you. And because he didn't understand the music I liked.
"I never showed him any of my drawings because I knew they wouldn't make sense to him. We couldn't have entire conversations with only our eyes the way you and I could. There were no perfectly comfortable silences between us like there used to be between you and me.
"And mostly," she rasped, her eyes watery. "Because he didn't get me like you do, Lucas. Because he wasn't you." She rose to her feet and slowly inched towards him.

AHEM no wonder Lucas was like NOPE

She went to another rebound starting with J (AGAIN) whom she didn't love. Same motto as Jake replacement rebound. Heck Brooke even said he was a rebound and if they moved in it was probably a day because who else would be with a girl carrying a book her ex lover wrote. EVERYWHERE. How a guy can't notice a bible vs novel if a gf is carrying it everywhere is as mysterious as covid 19 apparently. I know he is an idiot but she comes off so pathetic here anddddddd needy THIS same woman who turned into a different person in LA, found rebound2.0, per her words and said she couldn't do a longer engagement because she is so BUSY but has to find an ugly rebound, go to film festivals and move in probably for a day
Kormaninc chapter 11 . 4/1
"You were scared. The idea of forever terrified you, so you ran. You ran from me." And that was the truth as Lucas saw it. Her saying someday to his proposal was no different than her pushing him away at Dan's party way back when. She was fleeing from her feelings while Lucas had been running towards his. Same old, same old.

Peyton blanched and shook her head furiously.

I 100% believe this

Naley? They got married at 16? Why is she comparing them? Yet then she says no long engagement-"because just busy schedules" huh?for a year? Then I guess they can't stay dating since soooo "busy" He was willing to go to LA and she was fetching coffee it was just an internship. She was scared and this chapter didn't need to end with her snot crying running to Brooke. She provoked Lucas after a long trying day and then is upset he gave her facts. Bad time and they are stuck in an elevator what the F did she expect? After break up why didn't she call or make effort? She wanted to blame him and was so aggressive but wants him to take her back like nothing
Kormaninc chapter 13 . 4/1
I asked Jake to marry me because I was running away from my feelings for you. And now you're asking me to marry you because you're running away from your problems."

Bull shit she went to an old rebound because she knew she loved Lucas HELL Rachel knew. BEFORE. She seriously compared that mistake with his proposal ? no wonder LUCAS was pissed. Lucas wanted a real family and really loved her THE only way this comparison works is if he was in love with Brooke and proposed to Peyton. The I'll always love you I can't see Lucas saying (not because he won't but I can't see him openly saying while walking away) and he would never beg after she rejected/bs someday

"The thing is, I spent all day today re-reading your words, cover-to-cover, and it hit me that I could've still chased my dreams and goals and had you by my side."
EXACTLY. She could have had both. I'm sick of Brooke blindly taking her friends side.

"When you offered to move to L.A. to be with me, I should've said yes, Luke. I needed you there with me but I was too damn stubborn to admit it. So I'm sorry, Luke. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I blamed it all on you, and I'm sorry you got hurt, and I'm just sorry about everything."

I'm proud of her honesty. I'm tired of him getting the blame for this solely and she owned her part. Lucas made mistakes but he was not mainly responsible for this
Kormaninc chapter 12 . 4/1
I will never agree he "bum-rushing" he did the wrong thing by leaving but she was terribly awful with her insecure someday answer. Lucas was mature and saw a future and would have waited if she said give me a year and we'll marry.
Like Peyton says in S5 she regretted not saying YES because it's what she wanted but she was too scared...
Guest chapter 12 . 6/26/2014
The truth is out. I still think Luke was right Peyton was running and what is with we are not naley no one told her to marry in high school or that it had to be that yr. Pfft. Peyton sounds like she needs to blame him and now she says I said I regret saying someday but yet I was right yet I couldn't have that Peyton marry you. sigh which is her real reason. If she read the bk why say he proposed out of insecurity?!
redguitar chapter 14 . 7/28/2010
aww i loved this, lp are awesome keep it up
TheCriminalsHouse chapter 14 . 7/3/2010
You should definately do a sequel. This is amazing.
RJMoonspell4 chapter 14 . 6/12/2010
Nice ending.
Rolfsss chapter 14 . 6/11/2010
Perfect ending! Bravo!
missshay16 chapter 14 . 6/11/2010
great story loved the is the best
OTH-TMGirl24 chapter 14 . 6/11/2010
Hey! Great final! Loved the story! Congrats!
Ghostwriter chapter 14 . 6/10/2010
Awesome job. Loved it. Catch ya on the flip side.
Oreo-PeanutButter-Macaroni chapter 14 . 6/10/2010
wow amazing. You have written a very different story and i love it! I'm happy and sad its over but it had the happiest ending! i really hope you will continue to write! i will be looking for you!
lukenpeyton-puckleberry-4ever chapter 14 . 6/10/2010
loved it, great ending
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