Reviews for Darkness Desending
orangeLexi chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
Awesome! I love it! Hope you update soon! XD Its so hard to find a good one with Galbatorix actually winning(i guess you could say). Either way you did a great job and i REALLY hope you will update! :D
0palmtree2 chapter 5 . 8/16/2009
First of all, it's a real pleasure to read a story that is written with such sophistication and correctness(grammatically, punctuation). By the way, the same is true for you Temptation story. But aside from that, I like that you kept the characters in character. It's cool that you're writing this with multiple points of view, and that you are taking this story your own way after book 2 ends. Illena scares me, with her talk of freedom and pain, and her love of fire. She seems Naziish. And I loved the Murtagh chapter. Keep writing!