Reviews for Gravity
Stupidly Jealous chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
Are you still alive, oh master of words? Your writing style is superb, and I only hope that your genius will rub off on me. I'm a nervous wreck now. Knowing how the story ends (although does it ever really end?) and then praying that your story does not end similarly seems hopeless and juvenile. Thank you for gracing us with your abilities, I'm feeling stupidly jealous that you are so brilliant.
SayuXx chapter 19 . 2/12/2011
Well, I guess it's too late to review your story and you probably won't finish it, but nonetheless I really like it and I still want to add it to my favorites.

I'm into Aurikku for quite a few time, but it's so hard to find a good fanfiction, especially where Auron is kept in character. So far, you managed very good, apart from chapter 15 maybe, but hell, who knows how Auron would be like when opened up a little, so who knows.

So, I'm sorry for finding this story so late and for my English as well. ;)
Vivi Laney chapter 19 . 2/27/2010

I'm not sure if you still write, but I wanted to let you know that I used to love this fic!

I'm actually part of a blog called LET THE WORDS FLOW by Fiction people who are trying to get their work published. A few authors have agents, one IS an agent AND a published author, and others are querying/revising their manuscripts.

Thought you might be interested.



Mariuslover66 chapter 19 . 12/9/2008
If it wasn't or the fact that Rikku learned something form Auron smacking her across the face I would be flipping out right now. Well she did deserve it she was out of line. LOve your work. Your awesome so keep writing.
nona chapter 8 . 8/27/2008
looks like you found your thesaurus. that's not a good thing.

"Finally, her verdant eyes completed their journey, and connected in heavenly elation with his russet ocular."

really, what is the point of this sentence? just say, "their eyes met."

the language being used is ridiculous. argh.
omnomnomnom chapter 14 . 11/25/2007
"with the dulcet zephyr of the sparkling coppice."

"a succinct sigh of contentment"

"his russet ocular glancing down at her with a sentiment of pure despondency lingering within."

Somebody broke out the thesaurus on this chapter.
beloved.valentine chapter 19 . 4/16/2007
Oh my god.
stephanie chapter 19 . 5/20/2006
that was so good! i loved how hurt auron was, making him seem like such a vulnerable person beneath a cold exterior...

my heart melted.

when will you write the next chapters?
fayth03 chapter 19 . 3/31/2006
Wah its been such a long time since you updated...are you still gunna continue this? i hope you do...
BlazingxSoul chapter 19 . 2/4/2006
*cries* oh, you MUST update! I must see what plot twists you throw out there! Pleae, I must know! _
A Reader chapter 8 . 1/17/2006
I can't help but feel as if you've done nothing but go through and toss a bunch of big words into your story, regardless of whether or not they flow well. While we're all very impressed with your vocabulary, it might make the reading more... fluid if you kept it simpler.

Overall, the story thus far is just another tedious retelling of the game, and a mediocre one at that.
Haggath chapter 19 . 1/16/2006
Hmmh... How very fitting that I came upon this story on this particular day. I have been pondering the essence of Rikku's nature in a nutshell, and the characteristics I've come up with seem to be rather similar with your to a certain extent.

Anyway, I noticed there hasn't been any mention about you for the past year and a half. I hope you are still intact and still writing this story, for I really would like to see an ending to it.

If you don't mind any constructive critisicm... Don't be so complicated in the way you write. For a one-shot, being poetic and complicated in the way you write is very understandable, but don't over-do it. A story as long as this can be rather heavy to read because of it.

Regardless, I hope you will finish this story someday. It's not magnificent or epic but very enjoyable nonetheless.

Thank you in advance.

-Lone Gunman
Emmy-Chan chapter 19 . 11/10/2005
Oh my God, you are an inspiration. Completely and utterly. I love your story, and it's only made me love AuRikku even more. You're an absolutely fantastic writer, I love this story.

Please write more, soon. I adore the way you've kept all the characters so true.
re-Jecht-ed chapter 12 . 7/16/2005
Please tell me you're eventually going to update? That this story isn't dead? Please?

This is, not kidding, one of the best-written fanfictions I have ever read. In terms of grammar, spelling, sentence structure, it is nearly flawless. The vocabulary is extensive and amazingly rich and deep -sometimes it's a bit much, but then again, I'd /SO/ much rather read that than a lot of the other fics out there. The content and the way you write is insightful, thought-provoking and absolutly enthralling. Your characters are also incredibly in-character, thank you! It's pretty much impossible for me to stop reading this fic once I've started, and I love that. I do hope you plan on continuing this story because it is one of the last hopes for this website...
Nyx Raisa chapter 19 . 4/19/2005
hm...what can i say? i have always been a fan of aurikku fics, i have NO idea why. i like all the latin you have for chapter names even though i only know two phrases, niether of which you've used yet. and it has just come to my attention you haven't updated in about a year now. it would figure, i get all into a story when it's been out of commission a year. *sighs* well, just so you know, i really enjoy your story, and i'm not going to get my hopes too high on an update. i really love your characterization of auron. i love the way you write about his eyes, and all the emotion. it's really quite wonderful. well... that's all i have to say for now. i really have enjoyed your story, as unfinished as it may be...
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