Reviews for Now What?
Guest chapter 11 . 11/12/2012
What the he-I thought this story was finished? I can't believe its not!?
Oilily chapter 11 . 11/17/2011
I love this story soooo much! Is there any chance that this will continue? Pleaaaaase! I'm waiting since ages for the next chapter! ;-))))))

Greetings from Germany!
Midnight Cougar chapter 11 . 3/6/2011
So excited to FINALLY see Part II! It was a great read, & I definitely liked the Christmas vacation drama - this story is getting real interesting. Oh Edward, what the Hell is gonna happen to you & Bella in ch 11? Wishing you a speedy recovery. ;-)
OhEdward12 chapter 11 . 2/26/2011
Well done TSH and Meadow Girl. The plot thickens! I'm glad this is back and running. We got it all here with suspense, drama, and humor. A great package!

Oooh there is a lot going on here and I'm anxious to see how the next author will move things forward.
5ctBauble chapter 11 . 2/15/2011
LMFAO! Trust TSH to be the greedy h00r to keep this fic with her!

But now the torch is passed...albeit with a bit of TSH firmly stuck on it still.

But the years wait was worth it!

This chapter was awesome! Im usually not a Jake lover but i relaly felt for him in this chapter. And I kind of, sort of, maybe a tiny lil bit hoped she would be with Jake instead of E... only a teeny tiny bit though.

Loved this line from Paul " 'Hey ex-girlfriend meet the replacement, hey replacement meet the one you will never match up to,'

Cant wait to see what happens next with this crazy fic LOL
Bean. I Neeeeeeeeed Ittt chapter 11 . 2/13/2011

Great to see the story up and running again. Well done to TSH and Meadow Girl for another great chapter.

I loved the Bella/Jake kiss scene - very tender and sweet. Nothing like a bit of jealousy to stir up old feelings! Although I feel sorry for poor Leah - why does she never get the guy? :(

"My interior monologue was on steroids." - Brilliant line!

And Jake is in Chicago too? I cannot WAIT to see how this is gonna turn out...
RpatzzDreamer chapter 11 . 2/12/2011
Wow the 1 year anniversary and you managed to give Jake his opening well he deserves his chance I suppose, but did you really have to incapacitate Edward to do it ;-) glad this fic is back finally although I will have to re-read the whole thing before my chapter to make sure I get the continuity right.

Loved the change in direction though it was worth the wait TSH bring on the next torch holder.

PhoenixMP3 chapter 11 . 2/12/2011
woooooooo hooooooooooooooo

WE ARE BACK! Good chapter!

Now what! who's next?
Kimberlina903 chapter 11 . 2/12/2011
It's about time TSH! You didn't break Edward's manly bits but you did break his legs and prevented him from going back to school so Jake can make his move...sneaky sneaky!
jackspergirl chapter 11 . 2/11/2011
I feel like I should be bringing a cake or something, are we celebrating the 1 yr anniversary of not posting by posting? LOL. And now you got rid of Edward? Great move woman, no wonder you're Team Jacob!

Now, my biggest concern is not if we can get Edward back, but if we can get someone else from the list back to write ;-)

Thank you my sweethearts for this wonderful surprise, I really missed this!

Love you and I hope we get an update sooner than BD.
JB-just-bella chapter 10 . 9/18/2010
of course you bring in Jake. Damn you! Lol

still loved this chapter though :)
roosnana chapter 10 . 3/28/2010
great part one...but of course, with you writing JAKE HAD to come into it sooner or later. Now waiting (impatiently) for part 2. Hurry please
Paula-Bells chapter 4 . 3/18/2010
college life... jeez this chapter was good!
Paula-Bells chapter 3 . 3/7/2010
oh no... really?

this keeps getting better!
Paula-Bells chapter 2 . 3/7/2010
you guys are just too funny!

love it!
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