Reviews for Come Together
akizarulez chapter 7 . 1/26/2012
SO CUTE!*squeals like a fangirl*
wat up chapter 7 . 1/11/2011
awww i always love five year old lovin (g rated type of lovin)poor fireflies
grubs chapter 2 . 7/30/2010
explanation please!
grubs chapter 1 . 7/30/2010
twisters really fun,and you;r description is really good. you should play some time. cute zutara fluff. toph is very right.
ZukoFlame chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
Hello! This is ZukoFlame from The Muse Bunny. Very cute! I had a feeling from the time that Katara brought out the Twister that something like that would happen. Although I'm sure Katara must have known that playing a game like that would put them in a...compromising situation. XD I have a feeling that she did that on purpose...but that might just be me. Haha

Characterization-wise, is was good! Especially Toph, since we all know how impatient and crude she can be. Katara bringing out the game of Twister seemed a bit random to me though. Perhaps you could have worked it into the story more, perhaps by having her look around for some games but finally deciding on Twister. There were a few grammatical errors, such as when it came to dialogue. For example, you wrote, "'Me too! Finally, somebody sees the light.' Toph pitched in, clearly enjoying the turn of events." Instead of a period after "light" it should be a comma. This is because the "Toph pitched in, etc..." is not a complete sentence, and therfore is considered part of the dialogue. (I have this problem a lot too, so I would suggest having a beta double-check for that type of stuff.)

But anyway, there were very few errors, which I really like. I always appreciate a grammatically correct and entertaining story. Good job!
Asabella chapter 1 . 8/30/2009
Hawaahahaw! Love the idea, it made me giggle... on the inside!
zutara83 chapter 7 . 8/18/2009
aw that's so sweet!

little zuko and katara! so cute.
zutara83 chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
you've never played twister?

great story by the way. very funny.
Cassie James chapter 7 . 8/17/2009
Is it strange that I found that really funny? Loved it!

Cassie x
orphan12345 chapter 2 . 8/16/2009
I loved chapter 1! It was so funny :D And on chapter two I just didn't get the last line... it's prob my slowness lol but care to explain? :D
Cassie James chapter 6 . 8/15/2009
That was cute. Short and fluffy. :)
Cassie James chapter 5 . 8/14/2009
That was cute. Keep up the good work!

Cassie x
Cassie James chapter 4 . 8/13/2009
You could do with a proof read on these but otherwise good work! Looking forward to more.

Cassie x
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