Reviews for High Noon: After Breaking Dawn A Twilight Fanfic
Vixxster chapter 39 . 9/12
This entire story was incredible. I created an account just to comment on it. I almost want to print it out and re-read it. Thank you. You’re brilliant
EdwardsMate4ever chapter 35 . 9/3
This chapter was incredible. The battle was really exciting and thought out, explained well so I could picture it easily. Not many writers can do that. You had a lot of surprises which were so original. I am thoroughly enjoying your work.
Jessica314 chapter 5 . 9/2
Do you envision them hunting on the island? Like did Carlisle ever have some animals delivered from the mainland and let them populate the island? I've always wondered how big Isle Esme is.

Edward and Bella really neglected the human charade here lol. All they had to do was buy some junk food, dump it in the ocean, and shove the wrappers in the trash. They need to go grocery shopping with Esme to learn how it's done!

"What is it with these people and feathers?" hahaha! Yeah, hopefully by now Edward an see the humor in their honeymoon bloopers... I wonde if he ever realized that two of the biggest bruises (on Bella's upper arms) were actually from Jacob.

Oh, I forgot about Mishna's gift-and right, moving Renata away from Aro or at least distracting her would be a great tactical use of that gift. Renata's pretty small, if I recall... Twilight is so full on tiny women lol.

I definitely agree that post-BD all the Cullens' allies would have talked about keeping cell phones, just in case they need to gather quickly again-and not just for the a Cullens' sake either. They're all in the potential line of fire now, especially strategic targets like Charles and Eleazar.

Poor Jake-I can really feel for his discomfort accepting money from the Cullens, especially considering the near-poverty that he grew up in.

I always wondered if Renesmee Understood/remembers Jacob 's "throw it out the window!"
SillyStubbornDork chapter 17 . 8/27
I think you’ve captured Edward and Bella perfectly, however sometimes they really just bother me as a couple. I hate how they’re always apologizing to each other and feeling guilty. It’s been 10 years you think they would have gained some confidence in each other. I don’t know it’s just frustrating sometimes
EdwardsMate4ever chapter 18 . 8/25
This is brilliant. I love the intricacy of Eli's gift, and the way you describe how memories are organized. Excited to learn more about Alice's life!
EdwardsMate4ever chapter 3 . 8/17
"I sat up again so that I could enjoy my view. Edward was sprawled out on the sand with his eyes closed. I loved seeing him so relaxed, so peaceful. I knew this was one of the few places where he could completely escape the voices in his head, where he could be truly alone with no one else's thoughts intruding upon his own."

I just love this! Great insight.
Ayushi Singh chapter 39 . 8/10
This is the best book of Twilight after breaking dawn I have ever read.
Jessica314 chapter 4 . 7/27
(apparently I already reviewed this chapter before... oops!)

I had forgotten that you had the feather book cover avatar for this story… love it!

I love the image of Edward going to a medical supply store and just stocking up so he can play doctor for five minutes! I really like when he gets to do that in fics. I don’t think he’ll ever really practice medicine but I think it’s very special to him because of Carlisle.

I’m glad Kaure knew enough that Bella could be a little more honest with her. It must be such a relief when they actually get to speak openly with the occasional human. I’m glad Bella was able to change her impression of the Cullens. I do worry about humans like Kaure, though, now that the Volturi know about their knowledge. People like her and Jenks and even Charlie could be in danger now.

Haha! I love this scene, when the elders splash Edward and wait for him to melt or something. He handled that pretty well. If they knew about Joham it’s no wonder they took the legends so seriously and acted to protect Kaure and her family. Hopefully they’re able to see that the Cullens are very different. Edward did have to scare them just a little… for their own safety though.

Oh! I had forgotten about their going to the Chicago house for the pictures in this story! I can’t wait :) And I don’t know if you’ve ever considered writing outtakes for this story or other Twilight one-shots in general, but your headcanon about newborn Edward getting upset about that family photo is really intriguing… if you are ever so inclined to write it out! I also think it would have been difficult for Edward to go through those pictures, and it’s really telling that Bella is the one to help him reconnect to his past in a new way. She has helped him finally leave a lot of that darkness behind—not that he doesn’t still have the same tendencies/immaturity, especially in stressful moments!

Thank you for a lovely chapter! It was really nice to see Edward and Bella return Kaure’s kindness like this.
Jessica314 chapter 3 . 7/18
I like the idea of Edward and Bella being able to take a vacation with just Renesmee and Jake, while both couples have their space (at least 3 miles of it!). It’s funny how Edward was all protective-Dad about Renesmee calling in every morning and then just got completely distracted lol! I also like how he wants Bella to call the shots this time; even without talking about it much, he’s acknowledging how he used to make all those unilateral decisions back in her human days.

Haha right, leaving shredded clothing in the trash probably won’t do much to reassure the people who clean, regardless of whether they suspect vampires are about.

Edward does have a point—the best way for the Volturi to attack would be to keep tabs and wait for a moment when everyone is split up. The same could be said for the Volturi themselves! If anyone ever wanted to attack the castle, all they would have to do is create a big enough distraction so that Caius would take lots of guards with him, emptying the Wives with very little protection.

Oh, I had so much trouble with the smell of fish when I was pregnant… I actually avoided going to the grocery store as much as possible because the fish counter made me sick the minute I walked in the door!

Edward is so good at smoothing over a cover story, and being a telepath certainly helps. It’s funny, though, that he’s the one who left the shredded clothing in the trash for someone to find… he does tend to get off track whenever Bella is involved. You know I have him always being that annoying little brother who’s stressing over all the “siblings” keeping their cover story straight and being safe, and then on Bella’s first hunt he forgets to check for nearby humans, when all he has to do is use his gift! He’s so twitterpated, I love him.

It seems like such a little thing, but it’s so nice to see Edward just RELAX on the beach through Bella’s eyes. The saga was just so full of drama and angst and deadlines and threats on the horizon… we rarely got to see these two just *be*. And now that nearly all of Edward’s fears have been laid to rest, and the island is blissfully free of anyone else’s thoughs, he can truly let himself enjoy his time with Bella. And since this sounds like it might be their first real trip away from the family, it’s a really special “first” for them as a couple. And I can actually relate—my husband and I just had our first date night in months, and since we couldn’t do anything inside we did a bunch of stuff on the beach like board games and snuggling up to watch a movie in the dark with snacks. The whole time we kept saying, “Why haven’t we done this before?” Anyway, this is a lovely scene. Looking forward to seeing Kaure!
Jessica314 chapter 2 . 7/9
Love this little twist on their first night together… some things are so different about it, but also exactly the same. I like how they sort of reenacted the whole thing :)

I agree, Bella probably doesn’t lower her shield all the time. She’s still a very private person, after all. So it makes it all the sweeter for Edward when she chooses to. And it makes conversations like this one so much fuller. If only he could let her see his thoughts too! Maybe after 50 years or so they’ll be able to predict each other’s thoughts like Alice and Jasper do.

You know this is my absolute favorite thing about this story—how Bella and Edward talk through a LOT of things that they just never stopped to process during the Saga, and they’re finally more honest with other about some secrets and misunderstandings. It’s such a wonderful sense of closure as well as a new beginning, a new layer of trust and intimacy.

It must be so awful for Edward when he remembers how hard he tried to kill Renesmee in the beginning. I wonder how much Renesmee herself knows about that time, and if she was able to hear any of it while she was still half-developed. I wonder if the two of them have ever talked about it.

“When will you ever see yourself clearly? I swear, that should be the officialy subtitle for the entire Saga… for a lot of characters, not just Edward and Bella!
Jessica314 chapter 1 . 6/30
Hello, it's me coming to read your wonderful story for... the third time lol? But this time I'm going to slow down and review so we can chat! I'm just finishing up with rereading the Twilight Saga and since your story has always felt to me like the most realistic continuation fic, it's time! I especially love how you take the time to have Edward and Bella talk and process some of the things in the books that was left... well, untalked-about. Times they had hurt each other or misunderstood, assumptions that were never spoken aloud.

It makes me so happy that Bella is thinking of how grateful she is to Kuare here... she really did play an important role and was so brave to confront who she thought was an evil incubus, and I like the idea of the Cullens showing gratitude and giving back in general.

Bella being able to shield people from Edward's thoughts has so much potential, both for his own sake and for those she's shielding! Also a lot of potential for fun, too... maybe now people will be willing to play chess with him :) Their gifts are like two puzzle pieces, perfect for each other.

Ready for Isle Esme!
B00kL0ver729 chapter 6 . 2/17
I don't know if you still read your reviews, buy I thought I would write this anyway. Reading your story is exactly like reading a continuation of Breaking Dawn. This is my second time reading High Noon. I have wanted to know for so long "what happened next." This is perfect. Thank you!
Ctrsara chapter 39 . 9/26/2019
Oh my goodness, how I enjoyed your “book.” It really did seem like the next book in the Twilight Saga, and I couldn’t put it down! Your matched her style and contributes to her world flawlessly, and I am so impressed. Off to check out more of your work!
JojoJinx chapter 8 . 8/15/2019
Hello, I realise you wrote this ages ago and probably won't ever read this but I just wanted to say thankyou for your story. I'm really enjoying it. I love the conversations and family time.
There is just one thing I felt was missing though. In this chapter when edward explained the difficulty of being so near to blood and Charlie mentions getting a paper cut I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by the missed opportunity for Charlie to finally understand edward and what happened in New moon. If Charlie heard with his new vampire knowledge that edward had left after jasper went for her and he was terrified for bella's safety and happiness... I think Charlie would feel awful and apologise to Edward. I feel you missed out on perhaps a really nice moment between the two of them there.
Saying that though... You've created so many other lovely story lines... Like them meeting up again with the cleaning lady on Isle esme... And you've brought to light how hard it must be for edward hearing people's thoughts all the time. Basically I think your writing is beautiful. Sorry for being greedy and wanting everything
pennylynn chapter 6 . 8/8/2019
I am sure you have a million reviews, but in case no one has told you this week, Great story! I have not noticed anything that needs to be changed. Love it!
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