Reviews for Who's afraid of the big bad knight?
waddle dee FiFi chapter 2 . 4/27/2014
Ummmm...his eyes are silver/white where they shimmer.
samusaran101 chapter 2 . 6/10/2013
I FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY! You rock! There has to be more Meta knight x Samus fiction!
Overlord Jake chapter 2 . 2/22/2012
Best Brawl fanfic I've read so far. Period.
LoneWhiteFeather27 chapter 2 . 10/8/2011
Wow, just amazing...i've never thought of this couple but, they fit perfectly! Great idea!
JenniAnimeHotStuff chapter 2 . 7/22/2010
Dragons Flown Away chapter 2 . 1/16/2010
Oolasha: Aw cute! Poor Mety got in trouble D;

Me: Omg, you talked first!

Oolasha: oh well.

Me Oolasha: 70/5 stars... AGAIN!
Mable chapter 2 . 8/20/2009
I love this couple! Mind writeing more? I'm going to subscribe just to see!
Misre chapter 2 . 8/17/2009
Well, since I haven't go to much to say, since I don't flow with the romance and the pairing stories, but, I liked this story. Even though Meta Knight was kinda a jerk at the beginning, he did have a pretty good truth behind it. So yeah. And Falcon, dare say ANYTHING against anyone in such a matter, and I outta *Shakes a fish at him menacingly*
Misre chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
I... Have nothing to say out of defense for Meta's actions. That was truly unforgivable... *sniff* He's so mean. T-T
Fireforblack chapter 2 . 8/12/2009

I love this story

Never thought SamusxMK can be a good idea :o
kfewovh chapter 2 . 8/11/2009
Yay, another chapter! This was my favorite one. This is an awesome story. Since it will be a while for me to write my Meta knightxSamus story, it's all the better to read such an awesome story.

By the way, if you really have trouble with the relationship romance thing, I can help if you want it.
kfewovh chapter 1 . 8/11/2009
Yay, you're writing a Meta KnightxSamus story! Great first chapter! It's an awesome Knightress vs Knight (*gets booed for horrible pun*). Keep on writing. To the next chapter!
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 2 . 8/11/2009
Definitely the best story I read today;D It was awesome! Loved it so much! (happy dance)

The Smashers were so mean when they saw Meta Knight's face. I'm so glad Samus comforted him. And yay, fluff! (squeals) Awesometastic! The ending was really sweet too. Captain Falcon was dumped! Yay;D (another happy dance) He was a jerk. Good thing Samus ended the relationship.

I loved it so much! I should write a Meta KnightxSamus story sometime. This is a very motivational story!
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 1 . 8/11/2009
Awesome, a new story! And it's about Samus and Meta Knight.

I like how you described the characters, especially Meta Knight's attitude towards the other Smashers, particularly Samus.

I did not expect Samus to 'break the rules' as the Master Hand says. Meta Knight didn't get into trouble at all. He is a drama knight.

Time to read chapter 2! I love this so far;D
Liv-the-WaddleDee chapter 2 . 8/11/2009
I didn't even check the author before I clicked on this.

When reading the author's note, I put two and two together.

"Hey! Kit's got a new story!" (reads)


Liv: I'll "clean up".

(gives Snake wedgie and burns the Blue Falcon)


Liv: -_- You're actually asking me that. Look, a teenager.

Both: AH!