Reviews for Messing With A Rotten Bond
Cally dreams of Snow chapter 6 . 12/25/2019
Ah, it’s lovely to be back! I remember reading this fic years and years ago, I probably left a review then but I guess it’s not until now I fully understand how much your writing has affected me. That is, you writing these two idiots together. I have read your ginhiji fics through the years but I realise upon rereading this that this is where it all truly started for me. True, I have always loved this kind of love/hate pairings, and Gintama is THE manga for me, but this story established such deep love for this couple in my mind, I could hardly understand it. I’m still in love with them after all these years, I guess partly really thanks to you! I plan on rereading the sequels as well, and I’m really looking forward to it now! Thank you so much for letting me enjoy this so much again. I’ll be dropping a few comments along the way I suspect, I have so much more ranting on hold ..
ermylia.jeagerjaques1 chapter 6 . 11/28/2015
oh my God... they're SO CUTEEE.. HIJIKATA BLUSHING OHH MY GOD #fangirlingmodeon.. hijikata being denial is a cute thing ever and I love it... so much cuteness I can't handled it
Risa Hijikata chapter 6 . 2/2/2014
Oh wow! It flows so naturally... You're awesome for exploring the character in depth that it doesn't feel shallow and superficial at all! You've certainly kept me awake for 2 hours past midnight ;) Keep up the good work! I love your writing style.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/5/2014
That was awesome. They were all in character, it felt really nice and natural. Gin-san was so funny sometimes, I couldn't help laughing my ass off. I know you wrote this fic ages ago, but I still want you to know that you did a really good job!
ginhiji chapter 6 . 10/26/2013
Wow! That was amazing. Especially the last part
Hiiikata apologized! I did NOT see that coming. It was perfect. They finally accepted their feelings. I hope you continue this fic.
Panda Master X chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
Ah...I like this story, it's really good, and they were pretty in character.
IceCream9523 chapter 6 . 5/5/2013
I loved this story. You're characters weren't OOC at all.
Our Mayora-kun is such a Tsundere, isn't he? Good thing that Gin-san is so straight-forward. :)
I liked how they understood their feelings for each other only through calling the given name and they didn't even need to say "I love you".
ziii chapter 5 . 12/10/2012
this chapter was awesome! thanks for the great read! :)
Guest chapter 6 . 7/19/2012
after finish reading this fanfic, i can't help wanting more! every chapter is such a delight that i can't stop smile at the inner musing of gintoki and hijikata and also their interaction, so sweet! pls keep writing more and i'm looking forward to more of ur works!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
after reading doujinshi after doujinshi(most of them gin/hijikata by the way), i really like the gin that was portrayed here! definitely going to be one of my fav gintama fanfic!
niizumakun chapter 2 . 7/15/2012
ougley chapter 6 . 6/14/2012
thank you very much.I really liked it
spiritualized chapter 6 . 2/16/2012
I really enjoyed this story ) Gintoki/Hijikata is one of my major OTPs (probably my favorite now) and there's sadly really not much fanfiction (or Gintama fanfiction in generall) around. I think the characterization was really great, especially the dialogues, so Gintama-like! There were a few small mistakes, but nothing grave I think. BTW, Gintama always calls Yamazaki Jimmy if I remember correctly XD . Embarrased/in denial Hijikata is one of my favorte Hijikatas, haha. It's too bad we didn't get to see the smut scene lol, except for the flashbacks *_*

*goes off to read the sequel*
Treasure Family chapter 6 . 2/11/2012
I really love it. Great job.
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