Reviews for Reasons Beyond My Control
Guest chapter 6 . 10/7/2016
Please update
tinkerbear10 chapter 6 . 11/15/2015
I love it alot and hope there is much more to it!
Casey-Pup chapter 6 . 7/9/2013
I know im reading this story years after it was posted but i hope u still recieve it. Something similar happened to me 10 years ago i am better now but ill never be perfect, i know u said u did research on some stuff, but it still amazed me how right u got everything even bella's emotions. It took me at least 5 years t it and a ton of counsling before i realized it wasnt ny fault sometimes i even still find myself blaming myself. Anyways, i hope that this story will help others understand not just rape but the after shock. I also want to say thank u for not making the end seem like ALL is peachy, how u ended it was dead on. No one ever fully heals after being raped, we just realize we cant let it break us but allow it to make us STRONGER. Also, plz if u or anyone u know is ever raped encourage them to step up & take a stand. By doing so u could be saving lives of fiture victims. Thank u for ur story it helps me to know theres others who understand.
bmthespian chapter 6 . 3/20/2010
SwimGirl98 chapter 6 . 3/14/2010
wow love this story! poor Bella though... please update soon!
lol9987 chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
i think you should cont. this story...i could totally see it going somewhere...

just a thought!
ACndCA chapter 4 . 10/20/2009
It's a sad story but it's going to end ok right?

I Hope that Bella recovers.

Are you going to include some Rose/Bella moments, like when shes talking to bella helpin her pass thru that time?

Please don't end the story already 'cause it's a realy good one!

pryn4vmp chapter 3 . 9/21/2009
i can't wait to read more of this story. it's sad but it's going to be a really good story. i like that you stayed away from the graphic details, they were not needed to get your point across.
beans and cornbread chapter 3 . 9/20/2009
Poor Bella, Edward should have killed those guys the last time they tried to attack Bella.
Lynda chapter 2 . 8/28/2009
I understand about busy schedules, but PLEASE update whenever you can!
1-Hello.Kitty-1 chapter 2 . 8/23/2009
Yay D I'm so glad you are continueing this!
1-Hello.Kitty-1 chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
Continue or I will die and my parents will sue you for all you got including all your Twilight stuff xDD. Which, by the way, I am wondering where you got all that stuff o.o. Anyways seriously continue. You almost had me crying. You DID have me crying. Please please continue! This is amazing and I loved it please PLEASE continue!



Anonymous chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
this is really good continue on with it as soon as it has more chapters it will be a smash hit
DMF1979 chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
I think you should continue with this story. I would like to see Rosalie and Bella become closer.