Reviews for Always in the After
Guest chapter 26 . 7/25/2019
I think this fic handled the topic well. Good storytelling. Poor hermione!
Arla Logan chapter 26 . 6/6/2015
Beautifully written and poignant, I'm glad things worked out for her:-)
Guest chapter 26 . 5/30/2015
thank you for writing this
Winter Leigh End chapter 1 . 5/17/2015
The beginning was interesting and I liked that, especially the different personalities of the letters and how they all matched quite well given those that wrote them, but I'm finding the fact that Hermione's actually sticking around for this kind of abuse to be odd.

She's not been raised in abuse (from what we can tell or even canon lends to), she's mobile at sixteen, she's shown herself to be resourceful and there /are/ people who would take her in at a heartbeat. Heck, she wouldn't even have to tell anyone what happened if she ran away to the Weasleys or something. She could easily say she just didn't like him or didn't want to endanger him or something equally reasonable like that.

I have a great deal of trouble trying to imagine what's tying her to this Jacob guy and why she decides to stay if he continues to abuse her or why she doesn't find a place to hide when he wants to if she chose to stay or why she doesn't fight back or call the police or something.

Parents dead or not, she's proven herself to be brave and proactive, so, while this might be someone's cup of tea, I'm already having to suspend too much disbelief for me to go on.

The story itself has a solid start for what you're writing and the SPaG all looks to be good, anyway.
Guest chapter 26 . 5/2/2015
This was a beautiful story. You really did well exploring the lasting trauma of sexual assault with incredible sensitivity. Great job!

If you were looking for story suggestions for your community, might I recommend:
A Capacity for Love by SwissMiss1
Beautiful Things Can Come From the Dark by yesterdayschild4
Paradise Lost by
All great stories that I think would fit really well with the spirit of your compilation.
Queen Nan chapter 17 . 1/16/2015
Ok... I want this guy drawn and quartered... this can't be something that is permitted in the wizarding world. In fact it would make my day if it was even more taboo than it is in the muggle world, with much harsher punishments *Cough* Dementors' Kiss *Cough*
Queen Nan chapter 15 . 1/16/2015
So I hope Mama Weasley flips the hell out but not in front of Hermione. She doesn't need that right now. But yeah... "Not my daughter you bitch!" Indeed. *Whispers* Kill'im Molly, kill'im.
lupuslady chapter 26 . 12/29/2014
You know I have read quite a bit of stories that involved rape, all have been handled pretty bad. I usually don't read stories with this subject but I did. I think Hermione's growth in self love again is important and you handled the subject wonderfully.
They are not my demons but as a person I think you wrote this beautifully.
Guitar Amateur chapter 22 . 7/20/2014
I'm amazed that Hermione didn't become pregnant from the ordeal - so many times without protection, so many times forced upon her...

...but anyway. I am pleased with the tact so far used. I am glad that the crime is not glorified in any way, that there's nothing for the M to stand for except that mature themes are present, rather than that this is a pornography fic as is sadly too often the case. Thank you.
binxfanfic4 chapter 26 . 4/29/2014
That was beautiful... just overall amazing.
The Charmed One chapter 26 . 10/30/2013
Awww that was so lovely you had me laughing at some points and then almost had me in tears in other points but that was awsome i could hardly stop reading this even to go to sleep i was that interested in the story and one final note before i post this your a really good writter
livingarandomreality chapter 26 . 6/4/2013
I know this story was posted years ago but I just discovered it and I have to tell you how amazing this fic is. You are a wonderful writer and the story was absolutely heart-wrenching and touching. I'm very glad I found this.
happyface chapter 26 . 3/25/2013
This is the most heart-breaking and beautiful fanfic I've ever read..
Heather chapter 26 . 3/20/2013

This is my 3rd time reading. I love the story, love your writing style, and love how accurate the pacing/confessions where. Plus, it made me cry twice, so that makes it amazing!


This is only my 1st time reviewing? I'm shocked!
missthropphasapieshop chapter 25 . 12/23/2012
That was… amazing. I've been looking for a fic like this for so long, because I think you nailed it. Everything was absolutely perfect.
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