Reviews for Expectations
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
I couldn't not review this. It's absolutely amazing...MY EMOTIONS!
boycrazy30008 chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
This is by far Troy story! I would kill for another!
dribblestheturtle chapter 1 . 7/1/2013
Oh god, this is breathtakingly beautiful. You are a true artist, thank you.
BeyondMyReach chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
I really, really like your Patroclus & Achilles fics, especially since it explores many sides of Achilles. How should I say this... I think your portrayal of showing how Achilles would react if Patroclus came back alive from the battle was very realistic. Achilles was known for his volatile nature, and especially his violent side. To see him silence about that whole affair would hit people a lot more harder about the gravity of the situation than had he had just yelled, especially when, while Patroclus would learn to never go against Achilles' order, he wouldn't have been repentant about it. Many story I've read had captured the gentle side of Achilles, but this is first time I've seen the wise, parental (silently teaching his younger cousin a lesson) part of him. In addition, despite the silent treatment, you still managed to show that Achilles cared by through him tending Patroclus' wounds. Thank you for writing this.
Mr. Bottle chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Aww! This is so sweet! I love the relationship these two have. I love family, especially brotherhood like these two.

frapanappy chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
Good story
Blyssful Spirit chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
Wow, fantastic oneshot! :) I was browsing through the Troy fanfic archive and wondering when I would stumble upon one of these. I've always thought that it was such an original and interesting concept, and I've always been curious to see how Achilles would truly react to Patroclus doing that...

And I have to say: You didn't disappoint! :) You captured the whole situation and everybody's reactions brilliantly. This whole oneshot was well-written, and Achilles' reaction was extremely realistic, because let's face it: When he's upset with you, he's the type who likes to play hard to get and sulk silently in the corner until you seek him out. LOL!
Lia Whyteleafe chapter 1 . 7/29/2011
I always thought that if Patroclus had survived the battle Achilles would have given him hell for stealing his armour. But this is...well, not what I expected! You've captured my imagination with this. Thank you!
nameless-faceless-me chapter 1 . 6/23/2011
This is one of the best stories I've read on Fanfiction in a while. I absolutely loved it. It pulled on my heartstrings.

I like that he lived and think you handled everyone's reactions very well. I'd love to see more stories like this..I know I'd be a huge fan.

Well done!
Victoria Alatamir Wan chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
AUs are always interesting to think about...this story was quite good.

a fellow writer chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
awesome! i wish i knew your actual name so i could read Honor when it's published! your writing style is extremely similar to mine and i think your idea was great!
madasspenguins chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
I'm not ashamed to say I teared up at this. Amazingly emotional.
Fransiina chapter 1 . 5/30/2010
Oh this was beautiful... I generally love stories that deal with Achilles/Patroclus-realtionship (may it be brotherly or slash etc.) and I think you handeled it very well. Achilles' reaction was really believable and Patroclus' portrait isn't out of character either. And it's nice to see a story where Patroclus survives - without it being made unrealistic. So good job!
NotanAccountAnymore chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
I loved this. I've been waiting for a story exactly like this wiht Patroclus surviving. Thank you!
roxypony chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
Omg, im like, officially obsessed with your Troy fics! So beautifully written.

Ps, you gave me a whole new appreciation of Eudorus. :)

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