Reviews for A New Destiny
I Hate Snatch Steal chapter 2 . 8/16/2018
I've been watching a bit more Stargate lately, and I STILL don't understand how the backstory from chapter 1 until now makes sense.

1. First off, why would the ONI want to imprison someone without any gain from it? Usually when they do something unethical its to try and get Earth better tech or for some other form of personal gain.

2. Earth having a super solider program is stretching it, given how often the SGC asks for tech to help fight the Goa'uld.

3. Given how Tails was treated upon arriving on Earth, the best I can think of as a rationalization for becoming a super soldier is the power to take revenge or at least escape captivity. Not having any other real choice might also be it. Also maybe to be of more use to her friends on Mobius. Given how they forced her into human form someone realized that giving her, someone with a good reason for revenge, super solider augments was too risky. However once that's undone, she doesn't seem to hold any animosity towards Earth's government and people at all. Even if she saw other parts of human culture during her time in human form she shouldn't be so ready to forgive everyone and join the SGC as if nothing had happened.

With the current level of detail I find this backstory hard to believe. Feel free to reply to this review with some answers. I do like the idea of a "Badass" version of Tails, but not if I'm still a few paragraphs back wondering how we got to that point.
General Kisolev chapter 2 . 6/13/2018
Well, this is... something. The only thing i could really processes is the fact that this... "major prower" should be facing a court martial for assaulting a junior officer.
I Hate Snatch Steal chapter 3 . 7/2/2014
I take back everything I said in my review of chapter 7 and I'd delete that review if I could. Other writers have proven that its VERY possible to make Tails a hero without putting HIS character through a wood chipper and then setting it on fire to do so.

If you want to read a good Tails is the hero story, try this one instead:
I Hate Snatch Steal chapter 7 . 6/24/2014
I have to say when I first read chapters one and two of this story I was unpleasantly surprised by what you did to Tails, so to speak. I was going to move onto another story when I realized something. Your version of Tails has something that most official cannon versions of Tails' character lack, being more then just a hardly useful supporting character. I like that a lot. Also you handled the change in Tail's character from 'innocent child' to soldier very well. Once I got over the shock of a different take on the characters, I found this to be a good story.
Lockdownthegunner chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
nice crossover story i love it
RJLCyberPunk chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
I do not understand, when does this story take place? When did Mobious and SG Earth made contact if ever or does all this takes place in some alterate universe where Anthros are the only living beings what? I cannot make heads or tails in this story.
Shifter Black chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
What the hell, why'd you shut off private messaging? Kind of hard to discuss SG-7 when it's off, you know. Any ways, just wanted to say I like the chapter, made some grammer changes, and that was it. I'll be putting it up in a bit.
Kami of the Silver Flame chapter 13 . 10/25/2009
Too bad it happens to be the last chapter for now. I would enjoy reading quite a bit more of this.

I like it. I like it very very much.

Your use of the Multiverse theorem astounds me. I thought I was the only one geeky enough to actually use that in... well, anything, really.

Zonic. *snorts while trying to hold in laughter* He is SO lucky that Kerra knows him. And wasn't intending to shoot first and ask questions later. His head would have been all over the wall... and Sonic would have asked Kerra what happened, and not liked the answer he received. Although Sonic scolding Kerra about killing random people would be entertaining, I have to admit.

Can't wait for more! I suppose I'll have to track the other story now...
Shifter Black chapter 13 . 10/25/2009
And CUT! Alright people, get to work! We need the set ready for SG-7!

I like it Ulrik, I really like it.

As my little...CoughJokeCough...might hint at, I'm going to try and have a suitable chapter by Tuesday. Here's hoping.
Zoran Prower chapter 12 . 9/28/2009
A quick critique...

I don't know about the change of First person point of view to Sonic, especially when the story states that Tails is the main character. It kind of breaks it, almost seperating the story in two and messing up the flow of plot.

On a positive note (I must write balanced reviews) Sonic's actions are quite realistic, and I enjoyed reading about it in first person. Although a strange and inconvenient switch, you do not dissapoint. Better to write with such a switch and write excellently, then poorly by not switching. I congratule your fine writing.
Shifter Black chapter 11 . 9/20/2009
Apparantly. you have about two more chapters in store. Can't wait.
Kami of the Silver Flame chapter 10 . 9/20/2009
I liked it better when the chapters were longer. *fake pouts* Other than that, this is a wonderful story, one that I would(and have) gladly recommend to my friends. Just increase the chapter length, and this story would be awesome!
Shifter Black chapter 10 . 9/20/2009
Okay, That cinches it. I am NOT joining the Air Force, or I may just lose my head to a flying door. Not the way I picture myself going out.
shadow zombie chapter 5 . 8/21/2009
can you feel the love tonight/ amy understands she truley does that she will never have sonic i wonder how the others will take tails being a girl sweetness this chapter rocks

tails and sonic sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G
shadow zombie chapter 4 . 8/20/2009
wow just wow this awesomely rockin chapter has me speechless that how good it is you truely out did your self when you re worked this chapter and i can't wait to read the next chapter you rock way-past-cool
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