Reviews for Je t'aime, Canada
ConcerenedDutch chapter 16 . 5/7
Do you like... hate the Netherlands or something? Why would you portray him like this...? As someone who really loves the country to see it portrayed this way (even in a fanfiction) makes me kind of sad...
imthehamburger chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
Yo! I loved this fanfic as a young fan, and got into UsCan because of it. May I draw art for the story? I will credit you, of course! I just really love your Hetalia fanfics! Here's my Instagram, incase you want to see my style. Have an awesome day!
Insta: chinchinsenpai101
AbathaGray chapter 45 . 7/14/2019
This is good. I'm sad it came to an end.
AbathaGray chapter 38 . 7/14/2019


This is Hannibal btw... Is this account even active? I don't know.
Hannibal chapter 24 . 7/14/2019
Oh, thank God for Hong Kong and china. I wanna hug you both and cry!
Hannibal chapter 23 . 7/14/2019
For once I am totally fine with America running off with canada. For the love of god save canada america! SAVE HIM!
Hannibal chapter 13 . 7/14/2019
Wtf, wtf, wtf bad polar bear!
Hannibal chapter 12 . 7/14/2019
Hannibal chapter 11 . 7/14/2019
France, England and America are scaring me... run mathew, run!
Hannibal chapter 10 . 7/14/2019
Canada, are you sure you wanna deal with a bunch of horny country's after you!?
Hannibal chapter 9 . 7/14/2019
The poor cat.
Hannibal chapter 7 . 7/14/2019
America is flat out obsessive possessive
Hannibal chapter 6 . 7/14/2019
America, your scaring me and OMG China is too cute!
Hannibal chapter 5 . 7/14/2019
I wonder what canada is going to do when they all want sleep with him. ;;-;;

Also america, release your vrother!
WolfessLizi chapter 45 . 6/6/2019
Bummed myself out thinking that Canada wouldn’t just cave for America, but I’m committed to this crazy train and just might like it again by the end if all goes well. Keep going!
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