Reviews for Cleansing Rain
Violets West chapter 6 . 7/31
This was great! I'm glad to be all caught up. This is a really sweet fic, and a pleasure to read. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it! I'll be following it from now on for sure! :)
Violets West chapter 5 . 7/29
Finally logged in! Though with all these new ads I might go back to my phone... Anyway, this chapter definitely did not disappoint, it was just as cute as the last two. I like the pacing of your story a lot, because I like reading about both Ryoga and Ukyo just, spending time together and getting to know each other. Finding a quality fic like this about the otp is good for the heart! Lol :)
Guest chapter 4 . 7/28
Same guest as before (I have an account I’m just not logged in, I’ll be sure to review as myself next time.) This chapter was very cute, seeing them confide and protect each other. I’m really enjoying this story! So far it’s one of the best Ryoga/Ukyo stories I’ve read in a LONG time. I particularly liked the way you ended this chapter, the last paragraph was touching and a lovely note to end on.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/26
First two chapters have been great so far! Reading this makes me smile and feel just gently peaceful. Can’t wait to read more
Baitdcat chapter 6 . 7/16
Yes, your old readers are still appreciative of updates to this story. And thank you. I like where the story is heading so far. Stay safe out there!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/15
I'm so glad you have updated this story!, even if somewhat dulls his self-control, it's very cute how Ryoga is getting mad at Ranma about Ukyo feelings.
Reidite88 chapter 6 . 3/8
Continue :)
SithKnight-Galen chapter 5 . 9/29/2019
I do hope that you plan on keeping things going and that your inspiration decides to stick with you for a while yet. Now as for the story. I must say that I am enjoying the pacing that you are using. I am curious though, does this take place after the failed wedding or at some point during the series itself? I cannot wait to see what you have planned with the next chapter!
Chocolate y Vainilla chapter 5 . 6/26/2018
Good story! Keep it up!
Reidite88 chapter 5 . 6/11/2018
Thanks for the chapter! Continue:)
ImOrca chapter 5 . 6/11/2018
I'm so glad to see you've added a new chapter. With the age of the anime and manga where it is, there is just so little for fans to read. I like that you've chosen both a small story and a light touch for this. It just gives me a bit of joy to return to my favorite couple from one of my favorite properties.
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 6/11/2018
rancheesan chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
very nice could be a great start for a story want do Ukyo quite well and a good royoga also.
ryogalovesukyo chapter 4 . 9/24/2013
hi there! i am re-reading fanfics... and i wonder if you will ever update this soon. this is one of the best. i think this story has big potential to be really good, like some of my favorite authors in here... please update when you can. this is really good. thank you.
milktea5 chapter 4 . 2/11/2013
please update! i love it
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