Reviews for Snapshots
Touch of the Wind chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
Soulem chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
*Is a small puddle of goo* A-hem, that's was so adorable. Drunk Nakatsu stealing Kayashima's first kiss and then remembering it lol.

[i]quiet, will you," Muttered Nakatsu, punctuating the sentence with a kiss to Kayashima's temple. He grinned when the boy in his arms froze suddenly in shock. "I told you I wouldn't forget," he said, cheekily.

Kayashima was quiet for a very long moment and it took him too long to gradually relax.

"Damn it, aren't you the psychic here," Complained Nakatsu, sighing. "I'm serious, OK? And I'm not letting you go either."[/i]

Excellent ending hohoho
YaoiFanaticFreak chapter 1 . 10/27/2009
why am i only know about this story now? damnit!

*squeal* you make my favourite pair!

Hohoho! IkuTo and YamaYu forever!

they're so CUTE together!
AccountKiller32458 chapter 1 . 8/24/2009

Love it.
Second Storey Stairwell chapter 1 . 8/23/2009
Amazingly cute! So, so sweet D