Reviews for Observations
KG chapter 263 . 8/6
You still have a reader in 2020 :) Thank you for writing this masterpiece. It was a beautiful, slow burn.
a trace of amber chapter 4 . 7/13
Hahaha the line about him observing the teams confidently AND uselessly actually made me snort. So true Spock that Kirk gets away with meddling and asking questions and no one wants you to!
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 263 . 6/24
I really enjoyed reading Observations. So long, it is a journey in of itself. I was there with the crew by Spock's side every step of the way.
The only subject I am sad about is not knowing what happened that Spock ended up with the sex-slave traffickers. What happened before, how long was he gone?
If it wasn't for the step dad, would Winona have hated Jim? With Sam hating Jim, did something happen before step dad got to the farm?
Even with all the questions, I look forward to having another journey through space with you. Of course reading about Spock and Jim's romantic love journey that is. More hurt comfort and drama please. Such a devilish want. Thanks for sharing your extraordinary adventures with us.
bittybee119 chapter 261 . 4/15
I am in shock finishing this story...I love the characters and their struggles. I have been addicted to this since I started reading it. Your work here is truly a work of art and your writing is fantastic. This is a truly original piece on how it is put together and the slow burn you have here is epic but worth every moment. The characters are so full and vibrant. I love the family within this story. I have a full on book hangover after this one. Thank you for the amazing journey.
vika832mlp chapter 263 . 3/29
jesus mother fucking christ this was a hell of a ride. Thank you for giving me such and amazing experience reading this masterpiece.
p.s this is going on my #1 spot of fanfiction I read this year
Alliya Uchiwa chapter 263 . 3/14
Hello !

Firt thing : sorry for the mistakes i'm sure there will be, i'm not english "

I don't know if you are still on this website but, i've juste finish this story and i had to let a review.

It was my second attend to read it.
First time, i've stop not long after New York, not because it was not good, no, but because there were still so much chapter and i have not the time to read all.

Second time was the one. More than one week to real this this fic, and... whaou. I haven't the words to explain what this do to me.

This fic is for me a masterpierce and for each chatper i was amazed by all the details ( scientist, history, diplomacy...) ans by all the emotions you gave me with your words
This story is even better than books i have read.

I've read a lot of fanfic but this one... this one is all.. realistic. I mean... i'll take for exemple the relation betweek Jim and Spock. It was all well conduct, logical, not rush.
I have laughed, i hade cried, i was angered...
Each character have his/her chapter, his/her story and it was just so... fantastic

I admit i skip a few passage because i didn't understand what they were talking about, but wahou.

And i was not ready for the... 60 last chapters ( more or less, i don't remember well the exact numbers). And the final... The final... I've cried. Yes, it wad a good ending ( i think i woould not have stand a "bad" ending ") But it was almost... bittersweet.

So, i will stop here. I don't know if you will read this, but i want to say : thank you. Thank you for giving this story to us
( but i don't konw if a could read other story without compere to this one so... for that maybe not tank you XD)
And yeah :
Live long and prosper
tenshikuroamaamantedelyaoi chapter 263 . 6/29/2019
Te felicito ame esta historia una de mis favoritas hasta hora . Me gusto mucho la forma en la que escribiste esta historia. Y espero leer algo tuyo de nuevo .
MalinMarie chapter 123 . 1/31/2019
Talk about slow burn but god I’m in love with this story, it’s written so unlike most fanfics in general. Truly a gem
sensoray chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
For anyone in the future reading this, please listen to this song, it's the most PERFECT song ever for this. Ooh by John Bellion: watch?vXQZ0bH32FAw Best parts: "I don't believe that from you're from New York, you're from the sky past our view of space" & "Your lips they taste like June, your eyes are a rocket to the moon" I don't want to spoil everything, but it fits perfectly 3
sensoray chapter 262 . 11/30/2017
This was definitely worth the re-read, it was time well spent :]
Defenstrix Ecate chapter 128 . 10/7/2017
Firefly anyone? Seriously.

One line borrowed? Okay, that'd make me chuckle and catch the nod. But to practically steal the entirety of Mal's speech from ep 5, "Safe" of Firefly? Bad form. Very bad form.

Joss is an amazing writer. Anybody that looked at the scripts for Avengers 1, or Dollhouse, or Buffy knows that. This though? No. You stole greatness and tried to pass it as your own.

I now wonder, what else in this is plagerized and stolen from those who can write, and masqueraded as your own?

Not only did you lose a reader, but you just gained a person that will speak against your work any time it is recommended by another.

Irene34 chapter 229 . 8/21/2017
Really pretty amazing story. Thank you very much.
Just a Little Wish chapter 104 . 1/27/2017
bartlettpear chapter 28 . 1/25/2017
That last line is completely ominous ;_;
FandomHopperV2.0 chapter 189 . 11/15/2016
The mental image when both Spock and McCoy went into mother hen mode...I think I died alittle inside from laughing to hard.
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