Reviews for Alone: One Word Suicide Note
Shiro chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
Are you still planning to finish the sequel? This is my favorite story of all time and I saw that you haven't updated in years. How are you, by the way? I understand life can get really busy. Did you move on from writing fanfictions?
Phantasmal Abduction chapter 7 . 11/24/2010
Wheeeeee psychic Aerith :D

Fucking awesome
Phantasmal Abduction chapter 3 . 11/24/2010
Ommfg... I remember reading this when it stopped at the second chapter!

You have no freaking idea how happy it makes me to see this is complete and that there is a sequel.

You have made my day, week, month and in fact you have made my year.

*does a little dance in homage of your awesomeness*
Tsukie-chan chapter 9 . 6/5/2010

I luv this storyyy! I read this without pauses, and now I am pretty tired.

I think you hate Sora dont you? because you talk about him like if he was some kind of retarded guy!

This story made my heart melt, from beginning to end~~

So, I faved it too .

Hope to read more from you~~
lnnocent chapter 3 . 3/1/2010
Sweet and heartbreaking! Atleast for me! Gosh! I cried. I cried, tears of sadness and happiness. The chapter was like swelled sugar.. (again, overuse of sugar! o) you make, like when Roxas was holdin Axel's hand, familiar hand. It just made me smile!

To the next chapter, ahoy! -
lnnocent chapter 2 . 3/1/2010
Okay, reviewing this amazing story again!

It's so sweet. Like sugar. Sweet, beautiful.. sad.. funny.. Oh gosh. I'm already attached to this story!

I really liked the part when Roxas grabbed his home-made Keyblades! Just the little atmosphere, when he was reminded of his childhood, even if it was a little notice.. it was sweet. (and the part when Roxas was feeling so hopeless, feeling like he should remember Red (Ax!)somewhere.. so touching!)

Aand again.. to the next one! :3

(sorry, it's so short.. it's night time here, but I can't stop reading! / )
lnnocent chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Beautiful. It's so beautiful and sad it made me cry. The way you describe the feelings.. the atmosphere.. My god. It's just simply beautiful.

There are some "unfinished", "empty", or however they are called, spots, but hey, nobody's perfect. I may not be a professional writer myself, but I can tell you have potential. Lots of it.

So, don't stop writing! Never! You'll make a good writer, I'm sure of it!

(This IS kinda.. late review, but I couldn't help myself. I liked it so much!)

So, off to read the next chapter - :!
XxAkuRokuFangirlxX chapter 10 . 1/6/2010
oh wow this was was a really good story and Kya~! Axel sounded soo sweet and Roxas was so kawai!
Vyse Arcadia chapter 9 . 12/18/2009
Response to e-mail: A re-write eh? Sounds awesome and I promise to review on it as well. :)
Ah yay! Axel reached through to Roxas! Oh and I haven't said this before, but I love how you make Axel smell like a christmas bakery and the personality you gave Aerith is awesome. Oh and also I love how you changed ALONE to ALUF. XD
Vyse Arcadia chapter 8 . 12/18/2009
So emo. I lovd the story, but I feel you've really rushed this chapter.
Vyse Arcadia chapter 7 . 12/18/2009
Axel's singing made me lol. oh no Roxas is sick! Sorry for crap reviews. Good chapter.
Vyse Arcadia chapter 6 . 12/18/2009
Lol worse than a girl...lololol. -coughs- Anyways nice chapter! :D
Vyse Arcadia chapter 5 . 12/18/2009
Ah missunderstandings always makes the story all that much more intersting, though it pains me to see Roxas pained. Hopefully Axel will sort things out quickly. Hah loved how he'll just burn the door down like that. Anyways 'nother great chapter.
Vyse Arcadia chapter 4 . 12/18/2009
Haha another good chapter. This one made me laugh oh and I really love the plot. How Axel comes to this AU universe. Again, Brilliant.
Vyse Arcadia chapter 3 . 12/18/2009
Yeah Axel Roxas moment! Gah I love this story so far! -gives you a hug-
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