Reviews for The Heart
painted.inkblot chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
I'm not familiar with Bleach and don't know anything about it, really, besides the fact that it's a manga, but I really liked this all the same. Your prose was simply amazing-another reviewer said it was lyrical, and I think I agree with that. It was lovely. I liked the continuation of some themes, such as the rain and the hearts, and I liked you wove the prompt of the challenge throughout. The dialogue between the characters was great, and their emotions were perfectly expressed. Overall I thought this was beautiful, and I don't think you need to be familiar with Bleach to see that.
How to Train Your Moosie chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
I don't know the fandom, but that doesn't matter, because this was just.../so/ cool. Though I didn't know the characters, or the places, or even the plot of this, it was so excellent. Pretty, lyrical wording, unique format, many good points made... Your attention to detail is also great. The numbering you used (.1) was different, but not annoyingly so. Overall, I say the best word to describe this piece is subtle-subtle, but amazing. Kudos. :)
Silver-hair Angel chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
Wow. This was very, very good, Hyousetsu. Amazing. I followed the story up with the manga, and you did it absolute justice. At first, I didn't think that you would be able to pull off the quote in a way that could be understood, but in the end, you did. Good job. G'luck in the challenge!
Bethany C. MacKenzie chapter 1 . 8/27/2009

OHAI! This reminded me of Paramore's song 'My Heart'~go listen to it! 8D. Okay, now back to srs bsns. I really do not know how to review and everything I review sounds like several variations of 'you are awesome' repeated over and over again. Not that that isn't true, but that's besides the point. I like the repetition of the 'drip, drop' sounds, and then the fact that it suddenly stops-"There was no rain." It's a very...I don't know, but to me a very visual kind of story, even though everything seems hazy at times. It makes me sad and weird at the same time. xD;

Loved it! :)

- Bunny.
Baeden chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
-read this for the Challenge- That was really good!