Reviews for Race
stronger13 chapter 1 . 7/8
This one is certainly good. Really
szaroburo chapter 6 . 3/20/2016
great story, so so great. and it's so bad to know that u dont wanna end it, but pls consider it.
Oh god this hurt to find chapter 6 . 4/27/2014
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeee maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Guest chapter 6 . 1/2/2014
This is a great story! Please consider finishing it!
uglybettie chapter 6 . 1/7/2013
Ryuunosuke Aoi chapter 6 . 12/27/2012
This is great keep going and make some other characters race too
starhuda chapter 6 . 7/21/2012
awesome story
plz plz plz update soon
Requiem10 chapter 6 . 6/26/2012
That's a really good story. Please update soon!
recey2010 chapter 6 . 6/11/2012
Fast and furious with naruto love it ! wish there were more like it
Airi Shirokuro chapter 6 . 6/8/2012
That was so good, please finish it! I want to see what Hiashi has to say ;) and how Tenten and Neji end up... But... You should add in some sort of conflict between the two, to add a bit of tension between them. Something involving Yumi. Please continue this! :)
ferbfletcherlover chapter 6 . 5/7/2012
oh please!please!please!please!finish this story please!don't leave it!it's too awesome for that!i love racing and you're one helluva writer to create an amazing story like this,so don't ever try abandoning this!i love it and please continue.i'll wait for the next update :D goodluck and ja ne! :)
bright-rebellious chapter 6 . 5/6/2012
Oh God, the tension is hardly bearable! This is killing me, and it sure as hell is a good thing for you, because it means you know which buttons to push, but it's not so good for my sanity, if those two don't end up kissing soon they'll drive me insane!

Agh! Anyway, great as always, I still wonder how you do it. :)

Good luck,

Ms. S chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
Woooooahhhh. This is a new topic. And quite frankly, it's awesomeeee.
LonelyAsura chapter 6 . 5/2/2012
Oh my gosh, I bet Hiashi saw Neji racing! This is getting so suspenseful, I hope you update soon :) and even if you don't I would never give up on you, you're an amazing writer!
birdbwainzxd chapter 6 . 4/30/2012
I have no clue I missed a new story, much less one from my favourite author, but these six chapters at once were awesome, and really improved my day. Keep up the awesome work
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