Reviews for Not Long Enough
Invisiblegirl16 chapter 19 . 12/29/2011
It took me nearly just as long to read it as it took you to write it! Well, actually, maybe only a few weeks -I tend to switch between reading fanfics and watching u-tube-, but it was well worth it. When I first saw the summary say "incest", I wasn't too sure about it -don't get me wrong, if I knew a guy/girl who had a thing for their bro/sis, I wouldn't care-, but I'm glad I actually bothered to read it before automatically ignoring it all together. It was great!
Light Ebony Dark Ivory chapter 19 . 8/17/2011
This was truly a fantastic story. You wrote it so well, and made everything seem so believable. Considering the subject matter, I was a little apprehensive, but you wrote everything with such good taste that my doubts were soundly put to rest. The reactions of the two were so believable. That is usually the biggest problem with fics like this. I always end up clicking the back button in disgust, but you accurately presented their thoughts and feelings in a very real way. You set up their childhoods so well that now that's going to be the only way I'll be able to think of their history. I was saddened to see so few reviews for this fic, but I'm grateful that you didn't give it up half way through. You also kept the theme of immaturity that was present in the Ron Factor. They both were really immature in that episode and you made sure to keep that present throughout the fic. My favorite part has to be the hopefull ending. There's finally a chance for them to move on from the past and have a good future. My only complaint is the poor grammar in some areas. Other than that this fic has been a joy to read, and I'm very happy you wrote it.


The Living Contradiction
VampireNaomi chapter 19 . 4/18/2010
I can hardly believe that this fic is now over. It has been so much fun to read it, and waiting for a new chapter to be posted about once in two weeks has become such a normal part of my life that I don't know how I'll adjust. XD I guess I'll just have to hope that you'll manage to update your other fics more or less regularly. In any case, before I go into details about this epilogue, I just want to say how utterly impressed I am by how well you wrote this fic and kept it together. The subject matter was very difficult, but you handled it with taste and made the whole story and characters so believable that it has become difficult for me to remember that the events in this fic aren't canon. Dr. Director and Gemini's childhood and youth in particular were so well built that I just can't accept anything else for them. Your story was so good that it limits my enjoyment of other fics about these two. XD But I'm getting off topic. In short, this has been an utterly fantastic story, and you completely outdid yourself while writing it. It's perhaps the best thing you have ever written. It's too bad that it hasn't got the attention it deserves, but I guess that was to be expected considering the subject matter.

I think it was a great idea to skip Dr. Director and everyone else's reactions to the pregnancy and the pregnancy itself. While I'm sure it would have been interesting (especially Gemini's first reaction), it would have made the fic even longer than it already is without contributing too much. The fact that there is such a gap between the events of the previous chapter and this one gives this chapter the sense that it really is an epilogue. I think this is achieved very well by how the story begins pretty much right after Nicholas has been born. It gives you a great chance to let Dr. Director just sit back and think about everything that has happened. This way, the reader gets all the necessary information. I particularly like the detail about how worried she was over the baby's health and how she couldn't let anyone know why she was so concerned. It's a realistic issue, but at the same time it doesn't create too much unnecessary tension because it's soon explained that she was worried for nothing.

I just love the conversation between Dr. Director and her mother. They touched so many important issues. For example, I absolutely adore all the fear that Dr. Director feels when she thinks about Gemini and that he's going to show up at the hospital. It must be terrible to know that he's going to figure out that he's the father and that there's nothing she can do about that. You portrayed her fear so well that I lost my ability to be objective in this case and fully took Dr. Director's side. Even though I knew that Gemini wouldn't do anything to hurt Nick, I still got insanely defensive when he kept making demands and wanted to be part of Nick's life. I think this is because your dialogue was particularly strong all the way through this chapter. It was so easy to get into what the characters were saying.

Anyway, the conversation between Dr. Director and her mother also added some great humour and a relaxed atmosphere into the story. Too bad it was all broken when Gemini entered the picture. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My favourite bit in the early part of the story was when Nick is brought into the room and Dr. Director realises that now she really does have a child and a life-long mission ahead of her. You portrayed her worries and doubts but also her love for her child so wonderfully that I immediately read that section a second time. It was just so heart-warming and real.

Wow, Gemini's appearance just chilled me. The way he grinned and kept talking about his “nephew” truly had me worried for a while, even though I knew he wouldn't do anything. I just can't get over the fact how strong your writing was in this scene. The atmosphere was so intense that I had to take a short break before finishing reading it. I think the reason for this atmosphere is that you didn't really let us know what Gemini was thinking and feeling during this scene. Usually, you go into every character's head in every scene, which lets the reader truly know their inner musings and motivations. This time, you imprisoned us within Dr. Director so that all we could experience were her fears, worries and mistrust. I think this scene wouldn't have been half as brilliant as it is now if you had let us know what Gemini was thinking and how vulnerable and hurt he perhaps felt. He truly felt like an antagonist in this scene

The scene taking place seven years later was a great contrast to all the tension in the beginning. I love the way Gemini and Nick keep arguing about the stupidest things – it reminds me of the way Dr. Director and her brother were like when they were younger, and it also shows how much Nick is like his father. Still, despite the cheery surface, it's clear that the tension is still there. I particularly like how Dr. Director is reading too much into everything and suspects Gemini of mind games even when he's being perfectly honest.

I loved the conversation Dr. Director and Gemini had after the dinner scene. Dr. Director's accusations and fear of what Gemini could do to their son are so wonderfully portrayed, and I particularly like the detail that her fears are based more on her own hatred for Gemini rather than what he has actually done. After all, he has been nothing but a great uncle so far. I also like it how Gemini seems almost desperate to be part of N ick's life, which he has every right to be. I would be suspicious in Dr. Director's place, too, but Gemini is being so sincere here that it's hard not to feel for him. I'm glad that she decided to give him a chance and let him get a little closer to Nick.

The final scene was the absolutely perfect way to end this story. It was so full of emotion – worry, sadness, hope – that it was almost difficult to read. It made me so happy that after all this time, Dr. Director and Gemini might have the chance to put their rivalry aside, at least well enough for them to get along. It's almost ironic that the reason they can do this is Nick who wouldn't even exist if his parents hadn't had so many issues in the first place. The final line of the story is just perfect because it ties up every loose end and gives the characters the chance to start healing after they've been hurt so many times.

In short, this was a fantastic epilogue to a fantastic fic. I can never thank you enough for taking your time to write this. Following this story has been a truly great experience.
VampireNaomi chapter 18 . 4/11/2010
Okay, this is hands down my favourite chapter in this entire story. Considering how much I've loved every chapter so far, that's saying quite a lot. This chapter was like a bit of fresh air that blew away lots of the hurt, tension and anger that has been present for the past few chapters. I loved the sense of new beginnings and normalcy I got from these scenes. Since the fic has almost entirely taken place at Dr. Director's house for the past few chapters, it was amazing to get out and see them talk to someone else other than each other. I must say I was getting a bit claustrophobic with the house. XD

I loved your description of Gemini's frustration and inability to sleep. The opening scene was wonderfully written because you were able to show everything that he was feeling so well through his actions. I could imagine him tossing around in his bed and then going to the kitchen as if I was watching it on TV. One particular detail I like in this chapter is how Gemini is so bothered by everything that happened that he's willing to talk about it, unlike Dr. Director. While I understand her reluctance, I almost think it would be better for them if they sorted things out instead of him storming out like that. Then again, I loved it when they both returned to their business, fully determined to take each other on.

Anyway, I love it how the two of them were back to arguing and fighting even though their tension apparently got solved in the previous chapter. This time, their banter felt very forced and absolutely vicious. I got the feeling that they weren't really angry with each other, but they had to argue and be nasty to each other in order to make sure they wouldn't have to deal with what had happened. I absolutely loved the moment when Dr. Director told Gemini that they have no reason to talk about the issue and then announces that he has to leave. It was one of the most powerful scenes in the entire fic.

However, my favourite scene in this chapter is when Dr. Director comes back from work and finds out that Gemini is still there. His excuses were simply lame, but I loved it how he kept trying with them. The detail I liked the best about this scene is how angry Dr. Director got and how she pretty much kicked him out. How she refused to engage in petty arguments with him and simply ordered him to leave was great.

Yay, I was so happy to see Hench again in the story! :D As you know, I just love the way you write him, and I think you did a particularly brilliant job here. It was so refreshing to see Gemini out of Dr. Director's house that I actually see it as a symbol of new beginnings that this scene took place in the morning. XD The dialogue between Gemini and Hench was a real blast to read. It was so witty and friendly that it was like balm to wounds after the countless arguments and hurtful words with Dr. Director. Pretty much the same can be said about the scene in which Dr. Director went to visit her mother. This scene held a bit more melancholy feel to it because Dr. Director couldn't be honest about her brother with her mother, and it makes me a little sad how their mother thinks everything is just fine.

The scene in which Dr. Director finds the eye patch was amazing. It was a wonderfully powerful scene, and I just can't get over what a brilliant idea it is. The bit in which she takes off her own patch and replaces it with Gemini's was so good that I have no words to describe it. The determination she felt at that moment was wonderfully portrayed, and I could almost hear some epic music in the background when I reading this scene. XD

The last few lines of the chapter were great, too. It's such a massive cliffhanger that turns everything about this fic upside-down. I can't wait for more!
VampireNaomi chapter 17 . 3/29/2010
Finally, it's time for this chapter! I'm sure this is what most of us have been looking forward to the most. Or at least I have. Not entirely because of the sex (though that was awesome, too) but because of the emotional impact the events in this chapter are going to have on these two characters.

I love the immense tension in the beginning of the chapter and how Gemini keeps thinking that he should have left to prevent the obvious. It's particularly great because it clear that he doesn't want to leave, so that sensible voice in his head sounds almost like it's some other person. The click of the lock as Dr. Director comes home was a great detail that gave the scene an ominous atmosphere; both the reader and Gemini knew that now it was too late to stop them from making the same mistake all over again.

It was great how abruptly they went from arguing to kissing. I think it was the right choice to make because they've been jumping around that issue for several chapters now, and any more banter before getting physical would just have made the scene drag. Also, their fast reactions and how quickly they succumb to their dark desire makes the scene more believable in my eyes. Trying to explain what they're thinking and such in too many details wouldn't have added anything.

My favourite bit in the chapter is perhaps when Dr. Director gives Gemini a slap and pins him down on the ground. That was the last chance they had to end all of this, and I love their fierce arguing and how they go straight back to the topic that has been on their minds for years - whose fault it is that they slept with each other in the first place. Their anger felt so natural, and at the same time it was clear they both wanted to continue and were maybe a little afraid of what would happen if they did, and what would happen if they didn't.

The dialogue between the two of them all through the smut (or what you showed of it) was a delight to read. One thing I always love about your smutty scenes is that you let the characters talk and act like themselves even in the middle of the act. In too many fics, the cast loses all their characterization during the sex, and that makes me feel like I'm reading about two random people. Here, it was just so much fun how they continued arguing even when they got down to business.

I like it how it feels like their massive tension and hatred for each other has diminished a great deal now that they've slept with each other again. While it's obvious they won't ever become best friends, it makes sense that they'd be calmer now. And I just love it how they both insist that this never happened. I agree with Dr. Director on that as long as things between them are based purely on lust, it's not really THAT bad. I mean, they're adults, and they can deal with such a thing. If there was a romantic bond between them, too, then it would really get awkward.

In any case, I loved this chapter to bits, and now I'm heading to your LJ to read the complete smut scene.
VampireNaomi chapter 16 . 3/13/2010
As I said on MSN, you must have forgotten to include the part that supposedly sucks. I just couldn't find anything of the sort in this chapter. I think this chapter did a great job at adding to the tension between Gemini and Dr. Director. It's almost surreal to think that they more or less got along not too long ago and that now they're back to the hatred, guilt and awkwardness. You can pretty much cut the tension with a knife in some of the most intense scenes in this chapter.

I just love the way you portray Dr. Director's POV in this chapter. It's like all her feelings and thoughts are tied on a double knot, and she has no idea how to untangle the mess. The opening scene in which she keeps thinking that she has to get away from him but doesn't want to do it because it would be admitting he affects her is very telling of this fact. The same emotions are wonderfully portrayed in Gemini, but he's far more in control than she is. I love the fact that for once, Dr. Director is the one who can't handle the situation so well.

The snappy dialogue between them in the end of the first scene was just wonderful. Every word felt like the cut of a knife to me, and they weren't even directed at me. XD Dr. Director's line about how Gemini hadn't had a problem with his real name until yesterday was perhaps my favourite line in the whole chapter.

Gemini's hatred and frustration were also wonderfully written. His realisation that he's going through the exact same feelings as twenty years ago was a brilliant moment. I really love the way you portrayed his denial and slow but reluctant acceptance of the fact. It's clear that his desire for his sister is driving him close to madness here. I loved the part in which he tried to reason that since he's a villain, it doesn't matter if he wants his own sister.

Man, the third scene was nearly painful to read. The two of them weren't even trying to get along there. Their words at each other were so vicious and full of hatred that it was almost hard to stomach. I really felt sorry for them here because it's clear to me that if they had ever bothered to work through their issues, things could have ended so much better for them. If I had to find a scene in the story that feels like the saddest contrast to the early chapters, this one in which they yell at each other like that would probably be it. This is a lot worse than the sex scene, I think.

The scene in which Dr. Director wants to lock herself in but doesn't do it was simply wonderful! It was so simple, but that's what made it work so well. As Gemini said, it was clear that she wanted him to come in and see what was going on. It was like her subconsciousness was trying to create a situation in which it wouldn't be entirely her fault if Gemini came in and something happened between them. This scene felt almost haunting in so many ways. In fact, the whole chapter made me feel like I was watching a psychological horror movie.

The final scene with Will Du was simply brilliant. It was lots of fun to see him appear briefly in the story, and I enjoyed seeing Dr. Director through the eyes of someone who is not involved in the plot and doesn't know what is going on. The agents' shock when she acted so cruel regarding Gemini's supposed death was a really powerful and effective moment. It really underlined everything that she is going through and what it's doing to her.
VampireNaomi chapter 15 . 2/28/2010
You must have been editing a completely different chapter when we spoke because I didn't notice the spot where this chapter supposedly starts to suck. I was actually paying attention to that every time there was a scene break, but I just don't see a sudden quality drop anywhere. So, as I predicted, you were being too harsh on yourself again. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since this is how it always goes.

I simply loved the first scene in this chapter. It's a small detail, but I like it how they were talking about food. Since that topic was already brought up in the previous chapter, it made it feel like there is continuity in their lives and that they were really talking about it because it served a purpose, not just because you had to make them banter about something. And the banter itself was amusing as well. I just loved Dr. Director's lines about prison; I felt like they alone gave her the edge in that conversation and that no matter what Gemini said, his responses sounded weak in comparison. Another bit I liked was how the conversation turned to Gemini's hand and how saying thank you just was too difficult for him. The detail about how that he hadn't complained about the old hand being better was as much as Dr. Director was going to get was another nice touch. I really like the subtle way in which you illustrate their relationship like this.

The bit in which they start watching the movie and reminiscing about old times made me feel very conflicted. On one hand, it was great to see them get along and actually have some fun without arguing for a change. It felt like a really relaxing scene because things have been so tense between them for so long (and that's an understatement! XD), and it was great to see that they could still act like this around each other. On the other hand, it was a painful reminder of just how much things have changed and that no matter what, their relationship can't go back to what it once was. The detail about how Gemini isn't keeping in touch with his old friends that much anymore really made me pity him. Does he have anything in his life that's not related to his criminal organization? Apart from Pepe, of course.

The beginning of the next scene made me feel a little uneasy. I guess it's kind of good that they aren't having full-blown fights, but that makes me feel like this is the calm before the storm. These two just aren't meant to be that quiet around each other. The little jabs they made at each other while having breakfast almost felt more threatening than any of the real fights they've had in the fic so far. Later on in the fic, when they're having roast beef, it's easy to imagine you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. It's almost like every time they enjoy each other's company and have fun, things just get worse. And considering where all this is leading, I think that's exactly the case. You've done a simply magnificent job at showing how these two are going to make the same mistake again even though they've done everything in their power to prevent it.

The scene in which Gemini gets angry at Dr. Director for going out with someone was very powerful. I felt that this was where the tension of the earlier scenes intensified and reached the top. As you pointed out in the fic, this is exactly what he was acting like twenty years ago when all that happened. It's fascinating to see how pretty much nothing has changed even though so much time has passed. Dr. Director was great in this scene, too. I love it how she refuses to tell Gemini that she's just going to have a drink with a friend. I would have probably done the same because Gemini's controlling attitude in this scene was just infuriating. Yet I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him near the end when the only argument he could still voice is that he's the older brother. It's more like an excuse by now.

The most powerful scene in this chapter was by far the one in which Dr. Director is lying in bed and comes to the realisation that she has been deceiving herself for all these years and that she and Gemini should have handled the situation differently in the past. I just love it how shocked she is to understand this and how the lies she has built her life on slowly start to crumble under her. At the same time, it was so painful to read that because things could have turned so differently for them if they had just acted in another way. It makes me really eager to read that AU you've based on this fic.

Anyway, I simply loved this chapter to bits and can hardly wait for more! It makes me a bit sad that this story is almost done now. You've really made me love Dr. Director and Gemini as characters. As far as I'm concerned, nobody writes them as well as you.
The Mad shoe1 chapter 14 . 2/19/2010
Wow, this fic is really something, i like it.
VampireNaomi chapter 14 . 2/15/2010
You mentioned that you consider this a somewhat useless chapter because you could have covered all this stuff in a lot shorter chapter, but I disagree. This chapter doesn't really make the plot go forwards very much, but I think it's integral when it comes to the characters and the interaction and relationship between them. We saw Gemini and Dr. Director talk in the previous chapter, but the situation was completely unnatural. This is where we finally get to see them react to each other in a setting where they don't have to pretend to be anything else than they are. I just can't imagine the events of the following chapters taking place without the conversation and thoughts they had here. Besides, while not much happened in this chapter, you managed to make every word of it so intriguing that at least I wasn't bored at all. Quite the contrary. This is actually one of my favourite chapters in the whole fic.

The opening scene was delightful in that it showed how the two of them can still have stupid arguments and mock each other no matter what has happened between them. It was almost like nothing had actually happened and they were still teenagers. This was highlighted by several great details in the scene, such as that Dr. Director remembered how Gemini likes to have his coffee and that she keeps a framed photo of them in her living room. The bit in which she said that it was a photo of her brother, not her enemy, was simply stunning in its intensity and the emotions it conveyed.

By the way, there is something that I've been meaning to ask you about your writing style. Is it a conscious choice that you jump between POVs whenever you have more than one character in a scene? For example, the opening scene in this chapter starts with Dr. Director's POV as she tries to wake Gemini up and thinks about how shaking someone's shoulder should wake up anyone. The paragraph after that could be anyone or just general, but the one after that shows Gemini's POV as he remembers where he is. My preferred way is to write an entire scene from one person's POV and not show what anyone else is thinking during it. I don't really have a problem with your way, especially since it gives great insight to all the characters present (sometimes it's really hard for me to choose whose POV to show when everyone present could have great thoughts), but sometimes it's a little dizzying to read a scene that jumps from one character to another this rapidly, especially if there are more than two people present. I'm not saying you should change anything, but I'm curious to know if you've thought about this issue while writing.

You portrayed Gemini's boredom really well in the following scene. In addition to showing that he doesn't have anything to do, it shows how empty Dr. Director's house really is. There isn't much of anything personal there; it's just a place where she sleeps. I'm reminded of the conversation she had with Gemini earlier. She mocked him for that she had made it in her life and had pursued goals that had nothing to do with him, but after reading the description of her house, it really feels to me like she's living to work, not working to live.

Gemini's thoughts about the past and his realisation about how obsessed he really has been was perhaps my favourite scene in the whole fic. It was just intense with his doubts and pain, and I love the moment when he punches the mirror without even realising it. I like the symbolism of him smashing his own image while he thinks of his twin sister.

The conversation the two had when Dr. Director returned home was a delight to read. I love it how you were able to add some great humour into it with Gemini's comments, but at the same time it was pretty angsty, too. I particularly liked the moment when Dr. Director deduces that his injury didn't come from an accident. Her worry for her brother and his stubborn refusal to accept it were two other elements that I really liked in this scene. It's just so much fun to see situations like this in which a proud and stubborn character is forced eat some humble pie. :P

The final exchange ended this chapter in a somewhat amusing note, but I can't help but wonder if things will change in the following chapter. I just can't wait to find out what will happen next!

Oh, and you get a thousand points for the bank accounts. XD
VampireNaomi chapter 13 . 2/1/2010
Wow, it's fantastic that this story has already come so far. I've been so satisfied with the backstory and your take on what happened between Sheldon and Betty in the past that I haven't really paid much thought to their adult lives. This chapter feels very much like the beginning of a new story because it's so different from the previous chapters. The dynamics and interaction between the characters feel much more hostile and somehow alien to me. That is ironic, considering that this is what we know of them based on canon. I guess I simply became so used to your portrayals of them as teenagers and young adults that it's hard to get back to canon.

One thing I have to admire you for is that you've managed to keep Dr. Director perfectly in character while still portraying her as a person with real feelings. Her inner musings, especially towards the beginning of the chapter, remind me of the person she was in the previous chapters. This proved how you've been able to make her character development believable from the very start. I honestly can't imagine her backstory and personality in any way but this.

It was tons of fun to see Gemini defeated and driven to the corner. I always love seeing villains in vulnerable situations, as you very much know. Still, it was great how he refused to give up even when he had no hope and stubbornly clung to whatever he had left (namely, not drinking) even though he was causing himself harm in the process.

The dialogue between Dr. Director and Gemini was fantastic in the prison cell scene. It's clear that much has changed and that their rivalry has deepened over the years but that very deep down they're still twins and care about each other. This is particularly evident in Dr. Director and her actions and thoughts.

It was an excellent detail that Dr. Director has moved on with her life and pursued other goals while Gemini's life still revolves around their rivalry. It was a painful truth, but I'm glad it was said out loud. I wish Dr. Director would be able to pound some sense into Gemini's head, but I somehow doubt that. The mention of Hench and how he takes care of Gemini's funds was another great bit.

I love it how Dr. Director helped Gemini escape, even though it went against all of her morals. While her main motivation for the action was their mother, I think that deep down she did it for her brother and herself, too. No matter what has happened, I don't think she could ever want to see Gemini rot in prison.

All in all, this chapter was so in-character, believable and true to canon that I actually forgot that there was incest earlier in the story. XD It felt so much like reading a more conventional fanfic.
VampireNaomi chapter 12 . 1/17/2010
How many times do I have to tell you that no matter how much you try to convince me that something sucks, it never does? I trust you enough to know that you'd never post something that was bad. Again, I have to wonder just what you think is so wrong with this chapter. It was a complete delight to read, and it's actually one of my favourites in the story so far. It serves a highly important role and makes the plot advance in heaps.

The opening scene with Betty was an excellent way to start the chapter. Her doubts about how she can deal with Sheldon from now on were a good and familiar way to get back into the angsty atmosphere of the previous chapters. Yet you didn't dwell on that and introduced some great excitement and suspense with the plane situation. In fact, the humour that came from the absurd fact that the co-pilot wasn't a pilot at all felt incredibly fresh compared to all the serious stuff that has been going on in the story so far. It was like the fic suddenly decided to wink at us and remind us that this is a KP story, no matter what. I liked that.

The scene with Sheldon was another great bit. I think I mentioned it in my previous review, but I like it how you alternate between Betty and Sheldon like this. Betty's plane scenes wouldn't have had such impact on the reader if this bit with Sheldon and their mother hadn't been in the middle of it. You let us get to know Sheldon's thoughts, conflicts and worry about his sister before the situation was resolved. That was some nice storytelling.

Back to Betty. I absolutely love how she handled herself in this situation. Considering how resourceful and talented she is, it's no wonder that she was able to save everyone and land the plane safely. Despite this, she was clearly scared and nervous in that situation. I like this because it shows that she's different from Kim (who would have no doubt handled the situation with much more ease) and that she's not yet the woman we saw in the series. Another good bit these scenes included was that she finally found a new direction to her life and a way to feel proud and happy despite what she has done. I like that because she certainly deserved it.

Oh, and the GJ agents were a riot! XD Everything they did was as if it was directly lifted from the series. It was hilarious!

Despite how happy I felt for Betty, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Sheldon. It's almost painful how easily Betty can move on with the new purpose she has. It's like the solution to her problems was handed to her on a silver platter while Sheldon is left all alone with his conflicts and problems. It's really no wonder that he decided he would show her, no matter what it would take, but I still feel that they should and could have talked and solved the situation.

Everything that you wrote about Sheldon towards the end of the chapter was painted dark in my eyes. Even the scenes with Jack, while often happy on the surface, only further helped to illustrate his descend to evil. Even the scene in which he got a new hand felt tainted to me because part of his motivation for that was that he wanted to feel whole in order to show Betty her place. Despite this, I loved the scene because it was one of the best moments between Sheldon and Jack in this chapter.

The relationship between Betty and Sheldon felt even more intense to me in the section that took place five years later. Somehow the fact that they could now spend so much time apart just highlighted all their problems in my eyes. The scene in which Betty finally found out what Sheldon had been up to all this time was like an emotional explosion. While I am sad that now it's too late for things to become what they once were, I'm relieved that the truth is finally out and their rivalry can now start to develop to its fullest.

The fight scene and the injuries they both suffered were my favourite bits in this chapter. I love it how it all started from an accident and how they both ended up losing an eye because of it. It was a very symbolic start for their future rivalry.

In any case, I'm simply delighted to see that the story has already come this far. There has been lots of fantastic character development and plot points, and I'm just impressed by how deep and real you've made these two characters seem. It's too bad that there are pretty much no reviews. The incest angle probably has driven people away, and that's a shame. There is so much more going on in this story than just incest that I wish more people would give this a chance.
VampireNaomi chapter 11 . 1/10/2010
When I first read this chapter, I was pretty stunned. I think it's easily the best chapter in the fic so far. Although I've enjoyed all the previous chapters, too, something in this chapter just makes the characters feel real and believable like never before. Your prose flowed wonderfully, and all the descriptions supported the characters' feelings in a way that made them stand out.

The opening scene with Betty was just heartbreaking. You delivered her pain so well that it was almost difficult to read this scene. For that reason I like how short that scene is. Adding anything else would have made it go overboard, but now the balanace is just perfect. I like the way you ended the scene with the mention of the scissors. I could guess what she was going to do, but that still left an unsettling feeling in my stomach because there was always the slight chance that she might try to harm herself.

I love it how Sheldon is trying to cope in a completely different way from Betty - and he actually is harming himself at first. I can't even imagine what would have happened to him if he had continued on this path. His studies would have been ruined, and he would have no doubt lost his friendship with Jack. In other words, he came pretty close to ruining his whole life. I can understand why he wants to drown his problems in beer, but it's still such a stupid thing to do. I'm glad Jack was there for him.

That leads me to one of my absolute favourite scenes in the whole fic. I loved the part where Sheldon finally told Jack about what had happened. The way he expected Jack to loathe him was very touching, especially when Jack didn't turn his back on him. The friendship between these two is quickly shaping up to be my favourite thing about this fic, which makes me enjoy all the slash bits you've written even more.

I think it was a great idea to alternate between Betty and Sheldon in this chapter instead of dividing the chapter to two big chunks. This way, the reader got the feeling that more time was passing between the scenes and there was time to digest everything that happened. If I had read all of Sheldon's scenes at once, it might have been a bit hard to understand everything that happened. However, having Betty's scenes in the middle of it gave me time to try to understand both characters and their motivations.

I really like the way Dakota comes through in his chapter. I didn't like her very much when she first appeared, but since that you've done an awesome job at portraying her as a real and interesting person. I loved the little reference to DNAmy! :D Betty and Dakota may not be as good friends as Sheldon and Jack, but I truly enjoyed their conversation and the support Dakota was willing to give her.

In any case, I just loved this chapter. It was a great way to show how both characters try to deal with the shocking events that have befallen them, and I'm really curious about where the story is going next.

By the way, I noticed something when I was reading this chapter. For some reason, your language is far better in this story than in Agent Alpha. In that story, I often notice small grammatical errors, but I just can't find anything significant in this story. Do you spend more time proofreading this story, or is Agent Alpha just affected by that it was your NaNoWriMo story? I find this contrast interesting.
kriitikko chapter 11 . 1/2/2010
Rather shocked to see how little reviews this one has. I think it's very interesting story and am waiting to read more.
VampireNaomi chapter 10 . 12/12/2009
I loved the way the realisation crept on Betty in the beginning of this chapter. I actually felt some of her panic as she took in the details around her, such as Sheldon's chest against her back. It was wonderfully portrayed, and I felt so sorry for her. No wonder she wanted to think that it was all a nightmare.

The blood on the sheets and Sheldon's realisation that he had been Betty's first was a brilliant touch. It felt like all the horror and everything that was wrong about the situation culminated in that one small but significant detail.

Betty's disgust was just so wonderfully described that I don't know what to say. Her hatred for her reflection in the mirror, how she almost threw up and how she had a hot shower as if to punish herself and to cleanse herself of all the filth were very powerful details that added a lot of emotion and tension to the scenes. I particularly like it how she keeps trying to convince herself that it was all Shendon's fault, that he somehow manipulated her into this. This makes perfect sense because the past chapters have shown that Betty has had a hard time coming to terms with the situation and that she has tried to ignore it all along. She's basically continuing to do that by blaming someone else and ignoring her own actions and desires.

I loved the argument between them. It was so sharp and edgy and full of hurt and hatred that it was painful to read. A particular favourite moment of mine was how Sheldon was desperate to believe that it wasn't all his fault. I can understand that perfectly. What they did is bad enough on its own, but if everything is blamed on him as if Betty was some innocent victim, it would get even worse for him.

The scene in which Sheldon is trying to confide in his mum and she gets the wrong idea was just brilliant. It was funny and touching at the same time. As Sheldon noted, it would have been a lot better if he really had been gay. And yet I think that his mum would understand, or at least do her best to help them. She strikes me as the kind of person who doesn't judge people too harshly and always tries to find the most sensible solution to everything. Talking to their mother might actually help them deal with the situation, but I know the mere thought of letting her know must frighten them both.
VampireNaomi chapter 9 . 12/12/2009
Now that you updated TFS, it looks like I have to keep my promise and review all of your stuff that I haven't already. I think I'll start with this fic because I'm already two chapters behind schedule, and I want to catch up before you update this story again. So, here we go.

I think the opening scene of this chapter was a great way to start a new chapter. It spends some time summing up Sheldon's thoughts about the whole issue, and I think the way he's feeling and thinking is very realistic. I know too well how tempting it is to just ignore a problem and pretend that it doesn't exist. However, as Sheldon is finding out, this is never a good solution. I really like your description of his growing panic as he realises that he can't keep avoiding the problem and that he has to face Betty soon. Who knows, if he had dealt with the problem right away instead of hiding, maybe they could have done something to work things out before it got too out of control.

All of these same feelings are nicely mirrored in Betty's scene, but there are subtle differences. I like it how Sheldon acknowledges that there is something wrong while Betty is still struggling with admitting it to herself.

I loved the scene at the airport. When you compare it to the other airport scene a few chapters earlier, it's painfully obvious that things have changed between Sheldon and Betty. It was almost too much for me to stomach how awkward they were with each other. I loved their happy sibling relationship in the previous chapters, so it's quite sad to notice how far things have gone. I wish they could still fix it somehow, but since we all know how canon is going to go, I'm afraid there isn't much they can do.

Haha, I love how they named one of the pups Princess. It's the kind of name I would expect from Amy or something. XD That particular dog sounds just hilarious.

I really liked the detail about how Betty and Sheldon only talked to their mother but never to each other while they were travelling. That's an excellent observation and shows perfectly how they were trying to pretend that nothing was wrong without having to face each other directly. It was quite clever of you to use a detail like that. I was starting to wonder when Theresa would notice something, but I think Sheldon and Betty and both crafty enough to keep their personal problems a secret from her if they want to. Another scene I liked was the argument they had about the top bunk. What they said was word for word what they've said before, but it was obvious that the argument was forced and had none of the playful teasing that all of their past arguments had.

The scene in which Sheldon attacked Brian for joking with Betty like that was a really powerful way to show just how much the situation is affecting him. As he told the others, he overreacted, but Betty is the only one who knows just in what way. I like the contrast between the twins here. Sheldon knows that something is wrong, but he seems completely unable to control it whereas Betty is still in denial and hoping that things will just work out if she ignores what is going on.

In that scene in which Betty came home, you first said that it was three in the morning. After that, Sheldon said it was two in the morning. :P

And wow, that final scene in this chapter was just amazing! It was so hot and disturbing at the same time that I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand, I love it because it was just so full of tension. On the other hand, it was so wrong that it makes me feelt a little guilty for liking it so much. I can't even imagine how they're going to feel the next day once they realise just what in the world they've done.
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