Reviews for What if?
xann chapter 15 . 10/29/2013
i love your story
Michelle chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
Diego having no trouble with the opposite sex? That's Shira not included.
Magic Janet chapter 16 . 3/29/2013
LOVE! 3 3 Perfect length!
DEACTIVATED ACCOUNT-Buckrocks chapter 2 . 3/14/2013
"Eddie do you think that because we are twins we share dreams?"

"I doubt it; in mine I was helping Buck."

"Well, in mine I was Buck. Then all sorts of random stuff happened and now I am totally beat.
XD THAT was funny! XD
Magic Janet chapter 14 . 12/26/2012
oooo! i love how long your chapters are!
GreyDog chapter 14 . 5/3/2011
Tough choice...tell them not or tell them now, that is the question and your out of luck Peaches. XD Please continue but there are some odds in this...mushroom, rice, cooked eggs...confused but this is humor after all.
goldenpuon chapter 14 . 5/3/2011
Nice job.

Like your other chapters, I really liked the scenes in this one. The cub's conversations about growing up to resemble mammoths. lol

Also, Manny's gift to Sid of eggs and flowers. It is rare for Manny to do something so thoughtful for Sid such as giving him a gift. I wonder if Sid wouldn't have cooked them if Manny had drawn faces on them as he pointed out? lol Sid is more assertive and willing to let the others though when he feels insulted but you still managed to get the quirky silliness of Sid very well. :)

Manny's conversation with Ms. Purple and Ms. Roan was very humorous. It reminded me of Sid's conversation with the sloths Jennifer and Rachel in the green goo during Ice Age 1. Manny definitely made Diego look like a softie to them. LOL Diego may get teased if he ever runs into those female mammoths. Speaking of how Manny made his saber friend seem like like a softie, I bet he was doing that so the herd wouldn't think he was a threat.

["It's too dark and I'm tired, it's been nonstop all day" Sid said annoyed that Manny was ordering him around

"So cold" Came Manny's weak voice

Sid felt sorry for his big friend now "We could snuggle!" he suggested

"..." Said Manny (sounded like a weak whimper)

Sid took that as definitely not a no "Come on kids bunk beds ready!"] This had to be my favorite bunch of lines. Manny was lucky Sid got caught and didn't press the matter (pretty awkward) further.

I get the feeling Steve has some idea Peaches is up to something or has a secret that regards his parents. Hope she gets the chance to tell Manny about what happened soon!

I thought it might be helpful to let you know I saw some typos and the chapter did seem a bit rushed in places (as you pointed out it may be). Despite that, the content, characterization, and plot was well-written like in your other chapters.

Everything considered, a very good chapter. Keep up the great work! ;)
goldenpuon chapter 13 . 3/16/2011
I'm happy you updated. I also enjoyed this chapter quite a bit.

I like the ideas in your story such as with Sid changing, the moments with Manny, Ellie, and Peaches, etc. I guess what I am saying is you put them in situations and write them in a way no many other people do.

For example, it's neat to see Sid transforming so much as a character now that he is responsible for kids. And as for Manny, the shedding which never came into my mind as a possible reason for him saving his fur was poffy. (Lots of fur.)

It was also neat to see Sid critisizing Manny and Diego for their hygiene instead of the other way around and how the other character seem to be taking notice of Sid's transformation.

One of my favorite parts had to be Manny 'hinting' about kids with Ellie and Sid running away as fast as possible. LOL

You have a unique writing style both with your ideas and the how you present your story.

Great job!
yourfriendlyneighborhoodturtle chapter 12 . 3/2/2011
Please update soon!
Goddess on a Highway chapter 3 . 11/17/2010
Good chapter! It's so funny how Sid and Diego are trying to raise a cub together. LOL Love the hunting scenes and your ocs seem interesting.
goldenpuon chapter 12 . 9/16/2010
Very nice chapter!

I like the rivalry between Crash and Emma although Crash does seem a little out of character. But then again, we have never seen him separated from his brother in Ice Age, so how he would act is anyone's guess.

How the cubs are listening to Sid about eating veggies and taking baths was very fun/cute to read. They'll be acting like sloths and not like saber tooth tigers by the time Sid's done with them. lol
GreyDog chapter 12 . 9/15/2010
hahaha they got owned
GreyDog chapter 11 . 9/5/2010
goldenpuon chapter 11 . 8/18/2010
Very good chapter. It was humorous with what Peaches did to all those tigers and also the scenes with Manny and Ellie were well done and fun to read.

I wonder what will happen next with the possums? I imagine Emma is going to be really mad.
Light Ebony Dark Ivory chapter 11 . 8/17/2010
Lol. With their luck the humans will be Pinkie's family!
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