Reviews for The Story of a Life
JamesBond2007 chapter 3 . 8/14/2012
sound something out FULL METAL JACKET.
CrossoversThatShouldn't chapter 11 . 9/29/2010
This is by far my favorite chapter so far. I really love Tammy as a character, and I spent hours after reading this thinking of several good fanfics that would follow this arc of River in the TSCC universe (minus her untimely demise of course.)

It's amazing how much stronger your writing has gotten over the course of this story. You were a talented author to begin with, but the amount of progress you've shown each chapter is astounding. It doesn't hurt that you also have a very strong creative mind and one of the most interesting story arcs that I've ever read.

Can't wait for your next chapter, thanks for continuing to update this.
CrossoversThatShouldn't chapter 9 . 7/4/2010
This is my favorite chapter by far, and also one of the funniest lines I've ever read:

"Yes!…you struck my foot with you balls!"

I noticed Cameron's name mentioned several times as Allison's mentor. I may have to reread some of the earlier chapters to make sure, but I don't remember her being mentioned before. I'm curious to see how this relates to past and future events with the cyborg Cameron that we all know and love (if they are the one and the same that is.)

The ending also raised a lot of questions. I'm assuming the machines weren't Skynet's, as they would simply have killed or captured Allison if wanted her for anything. I can't wait to see where you take this.

Your efforts to reduce the unnecessary quotes has been a brilliant success ;P There are still a few that I don't think are needed, but nowhere near as distracting as they were before. That really is my only criticism, you have a very strong writing style that I thoroughly enjoy. Thanks for writing this.
CrossoversThatShouldn't chapter 7 . 6/6/2010
I had to read parts of this chapter twice in an attempt to understand it all. I failed ;P

I really did enjoy this chapter though, I just hope you continue updating to answer the many questions I now have; about this Cameron that Allison refers to; about Freyja and what she really is and what if any role she plays in the future and the past.

Thanks for updating and I can't wait for your next chapter.
CrossoversThatShouldn't chapter 6 . 4/20/2010
Really well done, you really have a talent for writing. I hope someday (soon hopefully) you decide to continue this story.

My only complaint is your use of quotation marks around a lot of words... for some reason I find it distracting when authors do this.

For example "Glairing down, disapprovingly, at the "swill" set before her..."

What's the point of putting quotation marks around "swill?" I'm probably just nitpicking, and I'm not even sure if it's appropriate to use quotations in this way, but I do find it very distracting and it really messes with the flow while I'm reading. You use quotations like this a lot throughout your story.

Honestly, that's my only real complaint. Yes there are some grammatical errors but they don't detract from the story at all. I'm hoping someday you decide to come back to this because it's easily one of the more original and intriguing stories I've read on TSCC.
bharned1 chapter 6 . 4/13/2010
Very good writing, it's evident you gave it a lot of thought. I've always enjoyed stories that make use of mythology. I like the wolf cubs too. My mom told me about a person who kept one as a pet.
trenth chapter 6 . 11/16/2009
Ok.. I like it :) keep up the good work.
trenth chapter 5 . 11/16/2009
Well I'm certainly glad to here that ma'am"...Alfredo replied with a look of relief. That should be hear.

Freyja thought to her self, equally relived

that should be relieved. :)

Still not sure how I like it :) I will keep reading though
Cptlatnok chapter 5 . 11/9/2009
So um when do John Connor and Cameron actually appear?
TK-MR chapter 5 . 11/1/2009
Nice work.

but all the context of "your" were having "you're" instead.
TK-MR chapter 4 . 10/30/2009
Wow, your fanfic is very interesting. Nice work.

One of the most work/fanfic that has nearly no fault in display.

but i see that you get a error that some writers or people get. The mistaken in using "your" and "you're".

By English grammar as far as i know. "Your" and "You're" are totally different in using.

"Your" is a form of the possessive case of You used as an attributive adjective.

"You're" is contraction of "You are".

I saw a lot of contexts in the chapter where you used "you're" instead of "your".

Keep launching! :D

btw what is "elaska" mean in English?
trenth chapter 2 . 9/8/2009
Wow, I would never have guessed you had never written or had a 10th grade ed. Enjoyed the reading. I am looking forward to updates.
Cptlatnok chapter 2 . 9/2/2009
Well I def liked this, my only problem was with the last part of the shouted conversation, it seemed they had already addressed that issue and you never provided a reason for the convo to be shouted in the first place. We have no reason why they couldn't finish talkin face to face or walk away then come back.
Cptlatnok chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
I'm calling bullshit on a tenth grade education. This story reads magnificently! The prose flows easily and playfully around the readers brain and paints an exeediny vibrant picture in the mind

Gigawat chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
Now this is pretty damn cool.

I like what you did with the Skynet POV, a lot of people just write skynet as the big evil computer. It's cool to see a bit of fear in there, makes Skynet itself a more interesting character.

Looking forward to chapter 2 :)
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