Reviews for The One Where It's A Long Shot
Bunny1 chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
awwww... sweet!:)
The Improbable One chapter 1 . 10/21/2009
its beautiful, doll.
Exintaris chapter 1 . 9/3/2009
Nice idea: the lyrics are indeed rather appropriate. I don't agree about Chandler and Monica before, though; it seems to me there's always something a little special about their relationship, cf. the business at the beach house and what she says at the end of 4,1, also the Flashback, where something could have happened.
Dream-Bliss chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
well, i've never really read any Friends fanfic before, but when i got my author alert i reckoned that you'd have a good go - and yes you did, that was amazingly sweet what yo've just written! I haven't watched Friends in years but i remember how cute Monica and Chandler were together. I know that sometimes they're on E4 and you've made me want to catch up with the episodes - just whilst there's no ashes to ashes or Torchwood on lol *wink wink*