Reviews for MegaMan XZZX:The Combined Reality
Althea Sirius chapter 1 . 8/1/2018
That's too many Mega Men crossovers. Just X and Zero would've been fine. And it seems like you might want update. Seeing as how Marvel vs Capcom Infinite is now a thing.
TyrantChimera chapter 3 . 6/5/2010
Hey, better late than never for the update! I'm glad to see this fic still going! Keep it up!
TyrantChimera chapter 2 . 9/25/2009
Thanks for the review on my story! Since you wanted my opinion on yours, so here it is. It is a constructive criticism, so please don't take anything written here personally.

Your plot: So far, I find that it could be interesting. Seeing Omega with Zero and Model Z could prove to be one heck of a situation between those three. However, I am rather confused about "Omega". You said that he'd been "absorbed" by Zero, right? So how is he able to move on his own? Is Zero now Omega, did Omega take over Zero, or something else? You need to consider taking some time for more description.

Speaking of description, there was very little in the first chapter to suggest exactly where things were happening. I do know that everyone was in a fight of some kind, and while a lot of description isn't necessary for prologues or short scenes like that, a little more couldn't hurt.

A common mistake among many authors is not to separate spoken sentences in a paragraph. If one person speaks in a paragraph, then you need to start a new "paragraph (even one sentence is sufficient for this!) when someone else talks. This also gives the illusion of more content, so it's a good thing to use. Just remember to elaborate on who's speaking, or things will get really confusing really quickly!

You need to use a few more commas (,) too, run-on sentences are a bit of a problem.

(For example, "Sigma! Today's the day you go down, permanently!" roared Zero as he charged at Sigma, his Z-sabre pointing at the bald reploid.

"Hmph. Your human emotions make you weak. Anger is something reploids don't have," Sigma replied.)

All in all, I can see some promise, but there's a fair bit of polishing you need to do to get there. I am, however, impressed that you've already got three stories started in less than two months. Unfortunately, that doesn't really account for much if you don't take the time necessary to write the chapters properly. Take your time, this isn't a race, and seeing it as such will only cause you stress (It usually takes me 2-6 weeks at LEAST to get my chapters done!). I'll watch your progress from now on, and I look forward to seeing what you can do if you take this advice.

PS~ I'll let you in on a secret. I beta-read! Well, it's not a secret, but if you want some more in-depth advice on chapters then I'd be glad to offer my services!

My best regards for your future fan-writing career!
Shadow Fox777 chapter 2 . 9/12/2009
You know, the fun part is. I think Vent looks a lot like X armor or no armor. Because it's weird like that.