Reviews for New Year’s Eve
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
Good fix :)
Have you considered getting a beta reader? They'll really help
lolicookies chapter 1 . 7/8/2011
BunnyQueenLivesForever chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
love it!
JD chapter 1 . 9/15/2010
Omygosh wow that is an intense ending. I love how every love story ive read so far is concerned around their purity rings. Sigh* it shouldn't be the ring keeping the boys in check, it should just be their morals that they keep to. anywho i love how sweet macy is while nick is so.. well intense I love that side of him.
CuttieGirll57 chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
Lol I've just realized I've read your story and I've favorited it but I forgot to review. Silly me:P Anyways,I like Nacy and your story was cute. I loved it.
PirateTink chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
Your stories are great! I've read this and "Hallway Encounters" and both are amazing. I didn't even think that English wasn't your native language, but when I get to the end and read your author notes, I think "Wow! She has great grammar in her stories!" So I just wanted to tell you that of the two stories I've read of yours so far, they are great. The only mistakes, that are few and far between, are simple miss-used words - and they can be quite common with people who speak English as their first language, so don't worry too much, I've seen much worse. :)
Danibabayy chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
oh my god i loved it!3
WyszLo chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
oh I love nacy!

great fic! I love how you had joe and stella set them up, I didn't see that coming!

you should definitely keep writing, you're really good!

angel in pink chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
This was really adorable! There's no way that was only you're second had better spelling/grammar than some I've seen that were written by English speakers! good job! :)
d52896b chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
Hi Kacau!

I loved your first and I love this one too! If only we could have this one the show! One mistake I noticed is this sentence: Macy kept mumbling apologies as she waved her arms dramaticalved her arms dramaticly.r. Shel her. She kept mumbling apologies as she a lamp. mind and he has taken slowlly.

It kind of doesn't make sense. I'm not really getting what your trying to say. Othe than this everything else was fine.

Great job!
xopeaceQTx13 chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
i loved this oneshot! i loved the joe/stella bickering(or flirting haha) and nick/macy are so cute together! i think you should write a follow up for joe/stella.

peace out!