Reviews for The Virgin Swan and the Cullen Intuition
petmom1213 chapter 7 . 2/15/2018
I think it's great!
petmom1213 chapter 6 . 2/15/2018
Charlie is being a jerk and he's going to lose Bella totally. And as usual I hate Jake!
petmom1213 chapter 4 . 2/15/2018
To all of us Jacob haters... get him away from her! He's a dog of the worst kind.
mommymac0508 chapter 15 . 2/3/2018
I really enjoyed reading this thank you
Just Sus chapter 8 . 2/2/2018
I am enjoying this story. It's a tiny bit unbelievable, but Edward and Bella definitely seem committed to one another. Glad Mr. and Mrs. C. believe it, too, and are lending their support. Here in California, 18 is the legal age, not 17. How long til she turns 18? Also, she should get on birth control! And, I doubt we have seen the last of Charlie...
mibow chapter 4 . 8/14/2017
And he honestly thought he would be happy with her sleeping with someone else? Sure hope that dumb idea is revisited!
ChristyWIX chapter 6 . 12/29/2016
Ugh, this is getting old. She not twelve, she's seventeen. Charlie is being ridiculous, as he's not even being a parent, he's being petty. Now, he's going to ticket him or arrest him. Either way, Charlie is getting his way and I think I'm done reading this story.
ChristyWIX chapter 5 . 12/29/2016
There is no way in hell I would deal with that shit from a parent. Ordering me to cook and clean, like I am their slave. Nope. My parents were awesome while I was growing up. We all shared the chores. Sadly, my father passed very young. Thankfully, my mom is still around and when we visit her, we all still share the chores. Charlie is doing his damndest to break them, he's only making them stronger. He's an idiot. All he's managing to do is break his relationship with Bella.
ChristyWIX chapter 4 . 12/29/2016
I knew Vharlie would pull this shit. However, I'm thinking Bella may use Jacob as her way to get out of the house unsupervised. Pretending to be with him, yet seeing Edward instead. Maybe this Jake is gay and he needs a beard for his father? Ha! That would be perfect. Screw with both their dad's for trying to run their lives.
ChristyWIX chapter 3 . 12/28/2016
I expected Edward to get caught in her room and that be the catalyst for Charlie to have his excuse to arrest or kill him. The last thing I expected was for him to bring Bella to the Cullen's for hours on end. I liked that she was able to have Alice time, Edward time and then later couple time. Well planned day. I think Charlie is giving a false sense of security here. I think he's up to something. I can just see Charlie bringing Jacob home with him often, to force him upon Bella. Thinking if he can't get his way through Edward not having a police record or non-existent drug use, then he'll just bring someone he likes around instead. It won't work and may just piss Bella off more than she already is. Pretty shitty what the reservation did to Dr. Cullen when he first arrived in Forks. What's worse is that the people on the reservation had to suffer with no medical attention as a result. Or, made to go all the way to Port Angeles. Petty of them.
ChristyWIX chapter 2 . 12/28/2016
I like their progression in this chapter. They are definitely both on the same page. It was very interesting to learn she had the exact same vision that Edward had during the hike. I liked that. Charlie is going to flip his shit. I'm glad your bottom a/n stated that Angry Bella will visit. Hopefully, that anger is towards Charlie, not Edward.
ChristyWIX chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
I'm so glad you had Carlisle tell Edward what I was screaming at him the whole chapter. That perhaps he went in dry. Maybe she wasn't ready and just wanted to get it over with. If you aren't ready, and not aroused enough, then it will hurt like a bitch. I was one of the lucky ones and thankfully there was no pain. Wouldn't be wonderful for both Edward and Bella if she too was one of the lucky ones? Although, if he felt her hymen stretch with only one finger, while in that cave earlier, then chances are she will have pain. I liked his stipulations. Liked the one about telling Charlie, as it truly is the right thing to do. Although, that ought to go over horribly. Especially since she's only seventeen and Charlie hates him. He'll arrest him, yet again. I really liked that his first stipulation was that she will be his girlfriend, no less. That what he'd suggested the day prior, no labels, was out the window.
sury.h chapter 15 . 1/18/2015
Good story, thank you...
rachel garber chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
That was a long but very good chapter, a few things, I thought Carlisle was a dr, she called him Mr. Cullen, and why does Edward call his father Carlisle, and thank you so much for not having bella put her hair in a sloppy pony tail it seems like all ffn writers got together and decided everytime they wrote about Bella's pony tail it has to be sloppy, or messy, just get tired of he same thing every single time I read about her hair. Lastly, she is not legal, she is still a minor and there is 4 yrs between them, but he is respectful of her and doesn't want to rush thing. I really hate tats and piercings, but I gave a pass on that great story so far, good luck with Charlie
RDoster2012 chapter 15 . 8/5/2013
I loved this story. I was sad knowing that the end was here, but knowing that there is a sequel makes me happy. On my way to read it now!
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