Reviews for Source
ladyisme chapter 1 . 8/13/2014
An interesting pairing and certainly one that I haven't seen before. Thank you for a fun and unique story.
Willowfly chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
...I still don't know how the hell you pulled that off, but dammit, you did. I think it was your subtlety that made it believable in the end. My usual hatred toward paring fics stems mostly from blatant character rape in the name of making the pairing "work". And yet this worked without ever having to make such destructive sacrifices. Well done.

I think my favorite part was the questions of freedom. You've shifted my perspective a bit. I suppose it's true that being invisible is both a heavy burden and the ultimate freedom. To not exist is to live a life of minimal consequence, but is also the most profound source of loneliness.

Glad you posted it!
