Reviews for Scrabble
tsuyu no oni chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
Adoscrabble! I've just seen your fic and it made my day, thank you!
kyou fangirl chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
ha! as if i didnt already love scrabble enough! now its love has TRIPLED! like i put the word scrabble on a scrabble board and its like "whats that i see? oh it must be triple LOVE score!"... and now i want triple love score to exist...
therenthead chapter 1 . 9/20/2009
Ohmygod. Everytime I play scabble, I'm gonna think of this fanfic! I loved it! Bravo! :D
I'll Cover Angel and Collins chapter 1 . 9/6/2009
This is good. I hope to see more of your stuff around here. Just don't forget the disclaimer or you'll get in trouble.

Disclaimer: I do not own [Insert fandom here] blah blah blah... it's like a dumb rule.

The cast actually played scrabble while filming the movie and it reminded me of that.

good job