Reviews for Evanescent in Eternity
Forest of Snowflake Blossoms chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
….. Beautiful…. I am speechless. Write more please.
Jenny chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
Wow, a Reborn/Fong, finally! I can't even begin to discribe how much I liked this. It was so beautifully written, with a steady pace, just what I look for in fics. Great.
marinamer chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Oh wow. I'm so happy someone finally wrote about rebornxfong. Thank you so very much. Ok, so first off, this fic took my breath away. Every word pulled me in. Every detailed so beautifully crafted. It was unbelievably realistic. I was holding my breath at every movement Fong made. You made his actions so graceful, so dangerous, and oh so very beautiful. Utterly breathtaking! It felt like I was actually watching this beautifully deadly dance. Wow. I love this. Absolutely love this. Can't tell you how this fic made me feel. It was just so perfect. The art, the language, the imagery. You captured Fong so well, and Reborn was perfect. I love the interaction between the two. The caresses! Their relationship is so interesting! Dangerous, deadly, artistic and beautiful. You made my dream pairing come true. *hug* Thank you! I hope you write more of this pairing! Ah, The Shadow of God's Mantle also seems very interesting. Hope to read it soon as well. _
Elli chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Interesting - a RebornxFong fic. Me likes.

You write details well. They just... flow, which is good because it's not too confusing to the reader. Me likes it too.

To sum whatever I have typed, great oneshot~
Guest chapter 1 . 9/7/2009


I have no other words to describe it.

Your descriptions, on the other hand, are so... WOW.