Reviews for To Make Him Happy
Tempesta Farfalla chapter 2 . 3/5/2010
whitebengal14 chapter 2 . 1/27/2010
haha! that was a good chappy! I liked it! :D

Gokudera makes the PERFECT uke. XD you'd think he'd be the seme, but he's actually a pretty damn good uke.

whitebengal14 chapter 1 . 1/27/2010
aw... that was so cute~

aw! SQUE THAT WAS SO KAWAII! XD i loved it!

gosh durn, that was pretty amazing for a first fanfiction! O_o
LilangLuha chapter 2 . 11/7/2009
thoroughly enjoyed the story! it's very much in character for both the lovely boyz :)
ireadtoomanybooks chapter 2 . 10/29/2009
*-* *drools* I'm pretty repetitive when I'm reviewing your stories :) Love~! *wipes away drool*
x-Tsuki-no-Bara-x chapter 1 . 10/6/2009
wow n_n

i'm just in the process of shifting through your 8059 stories.

love gokudera-kun, and so this pairing is also one of my tops.

very cool, a bit OCC, but then none of these stories would be possible without a bit of it lol

I for one thinks that little japanese phrases such as 'gomenasai' and 'ohio', little stuff like that occasionally, make the characters much more vivid in my head, (since i watch the japanese eng subbed eps) It makes them seem more realistic.

apart from, that, not much more constructive criticism.


keep up teh gutt verk!
Anpan Roller chapter 1 . 10/2/2009
Aw! X3X3 I totally squealed at the part where Gokudera put a finger to Yamamoto's lips. Ah that was so sweet and yet so subtly sexy! And for your first ever fanfiction, I can't believe it. It's so good!

Great job!
Ryokou chapter 2 . 9/26/2009
Haha! Oh, it's ok. It seemed plenty related to me. :D I liked it, you really give them good (in character) personalities. Even if Yama does seem like a dumb blonde! XD

Keep writing, I would like to see more 8059 from you.

Oh, and you could call me miria :)
Ryokou chapter 1 . 9/19/2009
Haha, yes, I did like it. It's very good, especially for a first fic! Gokudera did get a bit ooc at the end, but I really liked it nontheless. A sequel would be nice too! *hint*
Hydrocyde chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Cutee x3
liloloveyou024 chapter 1 . 9/10/2009
AW. So cute. Love it so much. 8059 is the best and you just made them more wonderful
anon azure chapter 1 . 9/9/2009
aw kawaii!
Pineapple Mist chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Oh my gosh 8059! Tres bien!~ I lovved it very very very much!~ Moar please!~ :3