Reviews for Secrets, Lies and the Laws of Attraction
forestreject chapter 8 . 11/4/2010
Please tell me Jake does not find her.
FunkyKiwi chapter 8 . 9/30/2010
Great idea for the vampire bit ! I love how you just didn't put it in that she offered her blood, there were questions that could also apply to werewolves. Like I said, great !
FunkyKiwi chapter 6 . 9/30/2010
Oh that's so cute.

I wanted to warn you that your current summary pictures Jen less like the funny and bit ranting girl she is and more like a very timid seeking-romance one.

Just sayin' :)
FunkyKiwi chapter 2 . 9/30/2010
Great !

Do they think she knows about Remus' condition because she bumped into him that morning ?

I like your writing style, it's funny, too :)
FunkyKiwi chapter 1 . 9/30/2010
Oooh, this sounds promising ! I hope it wasn't discontinued...
lexandraa chapter 8 . 7/20/2010
Over all, I like it. I wasn't too thrilled about the blood donation in the previous chapter but besides that, the plot is decent. Your garmmar is pretty good, as well. There haven't been any "in your face" errors. Update soon! :)

Coquettish chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
Haha, oh gosh, I've just finished with the first chapter and I must say Jen is so darn adorable. :) Lol, mindless chatter is my default as well. Anyway, carrying on to the next chapter! This is really great, just want you to know! :) So I shall add this to my Story Alerts!
won't be the Victim chapter 8 . 12/9/2009
Awsome story! Can't wait for more!
sirigirl157 chapter 7 . 10/21/2009

I know i would have volunteered within seconds for the vamp bite. Hell, she wouldn't have even had to ask. Please update soon!
No longer using accountdelete9 chapter 7 . 10/16/2009
FAbby, i very much like this story! There is not enough Remus on ff. Please continue

harry-potterxX chapter 7 . 9/23/2009
OMg she wanted to be bit by a that is friggin what makes Lily a fast the suspens might kill me duh duh duh :)
krazykook chapter 7 . 9/23/2009
great chapter!

but i thought if you got bit by a vampire you turn into one?

update soon!


Lift the Wings chapter 7 . 9/23/2009
Haha she finally got her wish! No Remmy in that chapter but that's okay lol
Artemis Teilor chapter 7 . 9/23/2009
I love the story. It is very creative and well written. I have to say though i am a bit biased to

a) Remus love stories


b) Marauder time pieces

But i especially love a well developed OC and i believe that is what i have found in your story
Lift the Wings chapter 6 . 9/21/2009
Aw :/ poor jen!
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