Reviews for To fall below adversity
Emz89 chapter 36 . 4/22
Oh my god, what a rollercoaster that was!
mstonks chapter 36 . 1/7
This story absolutely broke my heart, I don't think another one ever got me so crying my ass off like this one. Really. Your writing is amazing! I was so happy to find out that there's a sequel already published, going to reed rn! Congratulations!
fangor23 chapter 1 . 5/31/2017
I really enjoyed this!
katvrah chapter 35 . 2/18/2013
Oh man this is so depresing . Why does Sara feel so worthles ? How can she think that Catherine would be better of without her ? I hope you will not kill her . I am going to read the last chapter now and hope for the best .
katvrah chapter 7 . 2/17/2013
Oh man I cant stop crying
katvrah chapter 4 . 2/17/2013
I usualy dont like sad stories but it realy amazed me the way you described how Sarah reaction of her body to the sight of mourning Catherine and dead LIngey was going to read all of it and I wil coment again in later chapters.
Electrafixion66 chapter 5 . 4/1/2010
Wow, such a sad story, and very well written.
SJ-23 chapter 36 . 11/29/2009
I'm slightly sad that the story has ended there, I myself would like to see how their life would pan out. Great writing and looking forward to any future work you post.

Thanks for the great story.

SJ-23 chapter 34 . 11/29/2009
OOH...a serious turn of likes...
SJ-23 chapter 33 . 11/29/2009
Liked this chap as well...liked seeing the family dynamics comming back a little and joking in Sara...:D
SJ-23 chapter 32 . 11/29/2009
HAHA...Good chap...
SJ-23 chapter 31 . 11/29/2009
OMG I'm so soory for not caught up in school work.

Great chapter and I"m interested in seeing who this mystery person is...probably Lindz but I'll see hahaha...
bodyinmotion chapter 36 . 11/26/2009
I think sometimes being a die-hard fan of another 'ship can be a good thing. It lets you be a little bit more creative with your story since you aren't caught up in wishful thinking for the characters. I think if you post another story (and I firmly believe you should) there's no need to worry about it 'sucking'. Frankly, I read all of this and then I had to go away and come back because if I had reviewed it right after I read it, you would have had inane babble with lots of exclamation points for a review. If I'm not being clear, I LOVED this story. I both love and hate stories that make me emotional one chapter, laugh the next and then want to throw my computer across the room a few more down the road, but I read the whole thing anyways because I can't really stop myself. May I just say that my absolute favourite scene in this was Sara flipping the finger to her SLP...priceless. I'm so glad Catherine found Sara in the end, I don't know how I would have reacted if she hadn't. I'm so sorry this is as long as it is, so I'll stop here, but: Thank you for finding the courage to post this, it's quite the story to start off with.

Harley Quinn Davidson chapter 35 . 11/25/2009
love it can not wait for more, great story
Harley Quinn Davidson chapter 36 . 11/25/2009
loved it, sad to see it end it was a great story. hope to see more from you in the future
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