Reviews for Kiss Or Kill?
Sophia Prester chapter 1 . 5/13/2005
Beautifully done. I like your take on Seishirou; not one of the good guys, but willing to do what's right in his own twisted sort of way.
anonnymusevil chapter 1 . 5/9/2005
REAL good.D
Yue chapter 1 . 10/21/2004
That was so cute, you're really talented.
Inverse-chan chapter 1 . 6/18/2004
This is one of the best SS fics ever!

Chalki chapter 1 . 3/23/2004
Oh my gosh I loved it. It made me cry five times... Thats a really awesome story... I love you. (Is now forever your squealing fan.)
Plastraa chapter 1 . 6/17/2003
I love this, if they can't be happy in this life they will in the next...sigh! Fantastic writing, you are one of my favorites! :)
Trah chapter 1 . 8/16/2002
That was just incredible. Everyone was so perfectly in character and the whole fic was just wonderful. Wow.
Demoniak angel chapter 1 . 5/19/2002

this is just TOO cute!1 want more of it! or more of things alike! pliizzzzzzzzzz *puppy eyes* ?

... *softer* pretty pliz? AW, come on!

anyway, this was realy great (i've read it twice...)

_ good job!
Kohl Noir chapter 1 . 3/14/2002
Uh. Wow. I admire the sense of atmosphere you created there, and the way you wove the story through. Very skilfully done, and perfectly seamless in the way you wrote it.
Igaramyouji chapter 1 . 3/6/2002
I love this fic. I mean, I love this fic a whole lot. The language, the atmosphere, the way everything came together and made sense... I've had it bookmarked for about a month, and every so often I come back and just sort of soak up the language. _ (Also, this is just about the only S/S story I've ever wanted to illustrate...) Bravo!
Red Jade chapter 1 . 1/12/2002
Loved it!

You're so good at this!

*sighs* I love Subaru/Seishirou...*melts into happy puddle in the middle of the floor*

I love happy endings too... I've always envisioned something like this, but still following the X timeline... It still an awesome fic though! Great! write more soon!

Red Jade
xi chapter 1 . 1/12/2002
a happy ending...god, i needed a happy ending. thankyou. and this was really one of the best S/S stories i've read.
kelly chapter 1 . 1/10/2002
I have loved your story since my g/f printed it out for me earlier this year, I

think it skips past alot of the bs that goes along with alot of s/s fics, while

still retaining the sense of charactor. The best sensual scene was when

Subaru comes to Seishirou's door, and the exchange they have following that

infront of the mirror. I could go on...and on.
Ysabet chapter 1 . 1/8/2002
Don't think I'll forget this story for a *long* time- it makes more than half of the other stuff I've read seem pretty damned shallow. Thank you.