Reviews for Cursed Eyes
Jerm069 chapter 25 . 7/24
I certainly like this story! It is so engaging. Please continue if you have any inkling of doing so. Thank you.
Dream chapter 1 . 7/6
Crimson Lotus Demon chapter 22 . 6/25
That was amazing. Itachi Uchiha is the single most honorable Ninja ever! He as the best of the Shinobi World. RIP
Gabriel Guerra chapter 25 . 6/13
please continue the story i'm a big fan of fanfics, i'm brazilian and i've read for many years now, more than 8 years reading ... so please don't lose your inspiration, your story is very good and has enormous potential.
Outgund chapter 1 . 6/13
I feel like this story is missing like 10% of the words.
Curiosity chapter 23 . 3/24
Will Naruto get Sage Mode?
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 25 . 3/22
I can’t believe you quit writing. This and most of your other fics are works of art. This dying is an absolute travesty. If anybody knows if and who decided to adopt these wonderful stories please let me know
zeekuzumaki chapter 25 . 3/12
please please please continue this story plzzzzzzzzzzzz it is just so good .your visuals and story telling skills are just so unique and vibrant that i just need this to be a real story.
aGnamZer0 chapter 1 . 3/11
Well, good beginning. Just, why using Sasuke's eyes and not... let's say, anyone of the dead Uchiha ?
Guest chapter 6 . 2/11
Pair Shikamaru with both his teammates, it would be hilarious.
TRUExStrikeZz chapter 12 . 1/29
Kakashi got his mangekyo sharingan when he killed Rin just like obito
ccranford chapter 25 . 1/27
cant wait for more
Danny WIlliams chapter 25 . 1/2
Have read this story several time (very good).
Keeps hoping for an update (that does not happen)
I am sure the fans would love an update/and maybe finishing off this story.
Danny Williams chapter 25 . 12/23/2019
I have reread this story a couple of times ( still enjoy doing so).
Would be nice to have the story updated and completed.
BrentNewland chapter 2 . 12/2/2019
"What Itachi did to Sasuke was to play and replay images of his entire family being killed right before his eyes" - There's no way for anyone but Itachi to know that. Naruto only mentioned seeing a few bodies.
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