Reviews for Broken
MikariStar chapter 1 . 1/5/2010
aw bittersweet and well written
Black Scepter chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
...Still trying to find what to say here. Let me start with the obvious, thanks?

Let me say something here, about your author's note. Lot of people have felt this way, I remember teasing bout the Riku obbession too...huh, feels like so long ago. And the opening paragraph hit home, cause I had to live it a few months ago.

Life, or my life as I see it, is like a window covered in mist. Even when you wipe away the water the image is blurry. I can tell you that wiping the window to you, makes the image a little sharper. But the world and everything else is still blurry. Meaning you are one of the only things that is more clearer than everything else.

Now to get to story mechanics, short and sweet, well made. You took your time with this one, and it shows.

Michael Fri of Black Scepter