Reviews for A Snowflake Fell
Guest chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
This was really good. Kenny, was portrayed in an angsty way, and it showed to be a step closer to his character. I mean, he pretty much died in most episodes, so it seemed more compelling for Kenny to feel this way about death. Overall it was really good. ((Years later, but still, nice job))
sleepings chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
I've thought about doing a one-shot like this before, haha. This is really beautifully written and I can really just...feel him. Derp.

Really though. Great.
rawr chapter 1 . 8/26/2010
very angsty indeed.

when i read how people portray kenny, it just makes me love him even more.

He is hands down my favourite SP character.

And i like the way you write him :]
Laimielle chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
This has to be my favorite Kenny fic ever. :) It just...feels like him. You've really fleshed out his character more than I think I ever could. (I've tried writing Kenny before. It's so hard for me to do.)

Oh, hey, also, I'm listening to the song you mentioned at the beginning of the fic so that I could get a feel for it. I feel like I'm in Kenny's head space now. It made it feel really personal reading this. There's like a distinction between the cold deadness of the winter atmosphere and Kenny, who's still alive, even though he doesn't really feel it until he's reminded by the snowflake. That's how I interpreted it, at least. :p

Beautiful piece. I enjoyed every word. :)
don'twannatry chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
I love reading about Kenny and especially emo Kenny haha
it kind of suits him, I think.
After reading this I felt like crying xD
Jun March chapter 1 . 10/25/2009, wow... I can't find any words that can describe this..

It is quite possibly the most deepest piece of work that I have so far read in this fandom, and I'm VERY glad I came across it...

I enjoy the way of your writing here. It sorta makes it all the more deeper [for me it does, at least].

God bless you and this piece of art[or work, seeing as it isn't technically a painting].

Hoping for more of your work,

Schwarze Prinzessin (a.k.a. Pyro)
eksley05 chapter 1 . 10/8/2009


One day, you and me, we're going to cowrite happy Kenny. We will.

If we never finish our cowritten Creeky, we -will- cowrite happy Kenny. Because he's always so sad, and I always write him so sad, and Kenny...shouldn't be so sad.

(I love this. In case you didn't get that. Lovex12.)
pursuinghappyness chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
I really like your new writing style-a bit depressing, but suitable for the mood and all of Kenny's death (I agree, it was always kind of sad to see him die and worse when no one seemed to care) Hopefully you can rid your writers block and post some more chapters soon!
Trash Bean chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
You and I must be of the same mind. I've thought about writing something similiar for different characters...
AnimeMew chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Poor Kenny :C

Breaking your heart?

Well shit I usually don't leave a review

This was beautiful.

12kia chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
that was so touching !