Reviews for Pack
ShapeOfDespair chapter 25 . 7/14
Wow this chapter gave me sooooooo many butterflies ️️️️️️️️️
Magic of Twilight chapter 36 . 7/11
I really hope that you are going to continue this story.
TomRiddlesTwin chapter 37 . 6/24
Such a lovely fic!
Myari chapter 17 . 6/21
That hair brush scene with Kagome and Lord Sesshomaru never ceases to amuse me. I love it and enjoy it every time I read it.
Myari chapter 1 . 6/20
I really love this story. I always think about it and it has even inspired a few SesshyKagz stories of my own. I am sadden that it hasn't been updated in years, but I will always come back a reread every chapter.
Blackmoon OniOokami chapter 37 . 6/1
I know this is ages old- seven years in fact- but I couldn't help but stop to leave you a message in thanks for this story. Whether you may still think on it or not, I heavily enjoyed rereading it just like I did when you were posting it from 2009 to 2013. In no way to insult you, I do wish this had been finished. I love how you wrote these two into such a loving and understanding, and healthy, couple. It's such a wonderful read.
Thank you for having written this! I've been on a kick of rereading old fanfiction in my favourites list. Yours is most certainly in the top five for sure. 3 Well wishes, and hope you're safe.
ClanMcCloud chapter 28 . 2/23
Oh, YES I have had cramps THAT BAD!
LillianMarie2 chapter 33 . 12/5/2019
that was beautiful
LillianMarie2 chapter 10 . 12/5/2019
here is a thought what if she wore surgical gloves? would the poison burn through? what about say really thick rubber gloves like they use when handling battery acid?
madmiko chapter 8 . 11/11/2019
Poor Kagome is really going to miss the way Sesshoumaru was so kind and took such good care of her.
madmiko chapter 6 . 11/11/2019
I am really enjoying this story so far. You've done such a great job of building a relationship between Kagome and Rin. And the growing distance between Kagome and Inuyasha-actually between Inuyasha and all of the others is intriguing. The threat of shortening her hair was awesome-it did seem like something Sesshoumaru might say. His reaction to her nightmare and him bringing her in with him and Rin so she could sleep wasn't too quick, either, as you laid the groundwork with their previous interactions and with Rin's comment about him missing having a pack. Nicely done.
TravelGnome1 chapter 37 . 11/4/2019
Please continue! Such a great story!
Individua do mal chapter 37 . 10/29/2019
I am only thinking what will happen because kagome pregnant, naraku alive and the shikon no tama need to be complete.
Guest chapter 37 . 10/22/2019
"I never abandon fics". And then it's been five years unupdated. lol.
LadyWillowJean chapter 37 . 10/21/2019
I’m so sad I’m so late to the party and I freggan love this story and I’m already sad it’s been so long since an update
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