Reviews for The Other Scott
TimeTrekker chapter 6 . 9/22/2016
I think this is lovely so far! Please continue! Then do a prequel about Scotty and Evie. She said she owed him a lot; I want to know what happened!
Guest chapter 6 . 6/25/2016
Lil Miss Sunshine14 chapter 6 . 11/15/2014
I say go for it. It is a wonderful story.
Ducky the Insomniac Panda chapter 6 . 11/15/2014
The thought of The Other Scott being revamped has me ecstatic. At the very, very minimum, you would have at least one very interested Scott eagerly reading!
RosiePosie00 chapter 6 . 11/11/2014
I know you wrote this story a while ago but i just started reading it and I like it... a lot. there aren't a ton of chekov stories that aren't slash or he isn't paired with a total mary sue. I think you are doing a great job at this story line, the only thing you might want to do differently is slow down a little bit. You are trying to cram a lot of activity into smallish chapters and I think your writing style and voice work still work well with longer chapters or more drawn out scenes.
Aranel Celebrenlam chapter 6 . 11/9/2014
Please update the story again! I absolutely love it! Best of luck in what ever direction you choose to go with this story.
FrancesBell chapter 6 . 11/2/2014
Would love to see this story continue, no matter the form! It's a great story and even though I myself am not familiar with the novel form of this Star Trek movie I do enjoy the extra dialogue and I hope you continue use it in the future, my only request is that you include Scotty's line 'can I have a towel' as for some reason it is my favourite line in the movie. Anyway good luck and I hope you do continue to write.
SPDVengence chapter 6 . 10/30/2014
Yes yes please! I would love a revamped story from you. I really enjoyed it when I first started reading and I am really looking forward to seeing how your writing style has evolved since then. I'm soooooo excited now for this!
ShiaHamato chapter 6 . 10/30/2014
I would really love if you revamped the story. It has a lot of promise and potential and I would love to see where you could take it from here.
systemman chapter 3 . 10/30/2014
I just discovered this story and so far its not bad however you seem to have a conflict in how you are trying to portray Evie. At first you wrote:

"Evie and Scotty both entered the bridge, well-fed and freshly clothed. Although Evie would've preferred that the dress were a bit more modest, she had no right to complain. No matter how much unwanted attention she got." "... a crew member had stared at her while he was walking and missed the door, walking straight into the wall."

Then later you wrote:

""She hardly looks like a woman. What is she, twelve?" Her eyes held an amused glint to them. "That's a new one." She knew she was young, and she was well aware she looked it. All her life she had been mistaken for being younger than she really was."

So was the crew member, who walked into the wall, into young girls or does Evie look like a young adult?

Again, other than that, its a pretty good story. So keep up the good work!
mistressofdarkness666 chapter 1 . 10/29/2014
I would love to see you revamp this story! So please do! If you don't I understand but I look forward to it if you do!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/29/2014
you haven't updated for four years, please update
BigTimeLive chapter 5 . 6/11/2013
I absolutely adore Chekov and his adorableness towards Evie. PLEEEEASE continue!
Ducky the Insomniac Panda chapter 5 . 6/8/2013
Aww, this was really fun to read, I wish it was still continued! Should you ever come back to Fanfiction, please update this! Please?
Larissa-Hunter chapter 5 . 5/25/2013
Oh my goodness. I do hope you are going to update this again soon. It's too good to just leave here.
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