Reviews for Thoughts on a Revelation
KazeYasumi chapter 2 . 12/6/2015
Wow, interesting to see this from Sanno's point of view! Nicely done. :)
Ky111 chapter 2 . 6/29/2012
Fantastic story, glad some one else also appreciates Sano's strategic and calculating mind. He might not be book smart but he has a great fighters mind and can usually get a good read on people and as u pointed out earlier he is good at piecing events, hints and clues together to get the full picture of what's going on, quicker then nearly anyone. (Obvious exceptions are Fighters who have had more battle experience such as Kenshin, Saito and Hiko).
aki6 chapter 2 . 11/30/2009
THat reminds me of how much I love him too. Like your writing and the way you communicate their feelings.
Katharina chapter 2 . 10/4/2009
Wow. Strong characterisation.
emptyword chapter 2 . 10/3/2009
I love this! Truly. You bring in so much grit and hue to this scene, I feel as if I'm re-living it, fully immersed in this moment, in Sano's contemplations and observations. I love the description of Kenshin's hands clenching around the sakabatou sheath as his tale gets increasingly difficult to tell. You do a good job keeping Sano fairly in character too: clenching his fists (oops, I mean fist) in anger but having the consideration to hide it from sight; angry with the Triumvirate of Japan on Kenshin's behalf; etc. I love the ruminations on Katsura especially. What an idea, that he was pulling strings behind the scenes to keep Kenshin hidden all those ten years, giving him at least the semblance of peace. It makes sense, from the portrayal of his character in the OVAs.

It's been a while since I've enjoyed a RuroKen fanfic so much. Thank you. Happy writing!
emptyword chapter 1 . 10/3/2009
This is incredible work. I had no idea there was such a gem lurking in the RuroKen fandom. You're right that Sano clearly demonstrates a capacity for observation and deeper thinking than he's usually credited for, and you do a fantastic job fleshing that out. Next chapter!
amamiya chapter 2 . 10/3/2009
It's good to be able to get an insight into streetwise Sano's view of events. A very different perspective to Kenshin's endless self-recrimination. I thought you drew his character very well.
ZukoFlame chapter 1 . 9/30/2009
Very good! I never really thought about what Sanosuke was thinking throught Kenshin's entire story, actually. You've done a great job potraying him and the way his mind works, and I agree; Sano's intelligence is often overlooked-by me even. I might even have to write a story with Sano in it sometime!
skenshingumi chapter 2 . 9/28/2009
I like how once again Sano' street sense kicks in. Of course, as he says he has the benefit of knowing the end of the story. I also liked how he was sure he would fight with Kenshin but it slow to offer any words until he can settle things in his own head. Sano would not want to give empty platitudes.
skenshingumi chapter 1 . 9/28/2009
I agree that the anime doesn't really capture the depth of Sano's character but you do a fine job here. I like how you show Sano's refective side as he realizes from hiis own research that Kenshin's secrets go back a long way. This Sano has the pereception of one who has had to make his own way and yet shows his loyalty and respect to his friend while also showing his disturst of those who used Kenshin. I loved the line about Okubu coming to test “...a tool that hadn’t been used in too long.” This was an excellent idea that is very well executed.
Serenity202 chapter 2 . 9/27/2009
Thoroughly enjoyable. You kept to Sano's character to the end; well done. I personally would have liked to see more. I know you only wrote it for the one scene, but it would have been fascinating to carry it through, just so there's more sense of conlusion. But that's just a personal preference. Very good work.


caseyedith chapter 2 . 9/25/2009
i like ) You do a very good job with Sano's POV. I especially like the part where he says that he'll never stop being Kenshin's friend, just because of his past...and his dislike for Katsura. Those both make perfect sense coming from him.
TricksterBoo chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
I like the way you've written from Sano's perspective. I know I should read more from other characters' perspectives instead of always the main pairing, but it's kind of hard to change. But this is pretty good, and I like how you portray Sano as more than just a comic relief character.
Syolen chapter 2 . 9/23/2009
Loved it! You did a great job on this. :-)
caseyedith chapter 1 . 9/21/2009
totally love this! Your insight is great! I love Sano too ) Can't wait till part 2!
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