Reviews for Whatever It Takes
ChristianMom54 chapter 49 . 7/7/2019
Sorry I just found this story. It is awesome. Loved it so much. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
QueenGB chapter 47 . 5/27/2018
Well Edward and Bella that was a road well traveled. Hell and back...the end. Thank you for this story and yes daddyward with a baby girl is fantastic.
QueenGB chapter 45 . 5/26/2018
Yes we should all have a naked Edward on an outdoor bed in a secluded Hawaiian beach home watching sunsets before sex. Le sigh
QueenGB chapter 44 . 5/26/2018
I love daddyward so bring it on. And I love the full circle Christmas Eve church moment. They both broke my heart at the first Christmas Eve so this was lovely.
QueenGB chapter 42 . 5/26/2018
I’m with Edward I don’t trust Renee’s epiphany. It seems well placed.
QueenGB chapter 41 . 5/26/2018
Go Rosie and the girls! Hehe I am proud of Bella and of Edward they’ve grown a lot. Now keep him in baseball his kid will only be almost two when he retires and let’s get Victoria good please. ;-)
QueenGB chapter 40 . 5/26/2018
When fighting here is a word to the wise... stop saying ‘let me explain’. The key is to just freaking explain with out the announcement. It just pisses off the injured party. Victoria is gross! I hope you have a good payback plan for that skank.
QueenGB chapter 38 . 5/26/2018
God bless sweet Jasper because our little Alice was as per usual trying to make it all about her. It was perfect for them small ane personal. Edward should play the 2 years then retire. He won’t even be 30. So are we getting close to the prologue yet? And what about Renee and crazy Red headed Victoria? Hmmm...
QueenGB chapter 37 . 5/26/2018
I like them getting married on the fly Bella is never going to be Alice btw. And speaking of Alice if she was huffing and puffing because Bella was enjoying her new relationship and was never home, she will probably blow her tiny gasket when she finds out. Bloody brilliant! Also what’s the what on Renee besides her being selfish?. Is there more? I’ll wtay tuned.
QueenGB chapter 36 . 5/26/2018
Hell yes she’ll marry you handsome! Nice proposal. Oh and Bella is a bit selfish about him quitting baseball. He’s 26 FFS and really good. It’s hard being separated from One you love but when you fall for someone who’s gone a lot for their job you can’t then penalize them for the thing they do. Unfortunately it happens all the time. So Victoria is officially stalking now?
QueenGB chapter 35 . 5/26/2018
So you’re gonna knock up Bella? Because the bacterial pneumonia led to the antibiotics and when not mixed with alternate bc methods equals unplanned preggers. Hehe But it seems Edward isn’t going to wait to propose. Fear of losing someone always pushes you to act faster. I really like the way you weave in canon throughout the story btw. A kudos for the lemon pledge on the piano in the beginning;-D
QueenGB chapter 34 . 5/26/2018
Well hello you cray cray red. R, I mean Ri, I mean Tori no I mean Victoria. Nice psych out. Bella is gonna flip and we know that crazy bitch ain’t done M’kay.
QueenGB chapter 33 . 5/25/2018
Why are chapters that move the story forward without drama or angst considered fluff? Curious?
QueenGB chapter 32 . 5/25/2018
I was nervous at the beginning. All I could think was these two are going to emo through every orgasm. But they pulled it through thank fuck. Yay them!
QueenGB chapter 31 . 5/25/2018
Way to take Bella home Edward. I’m sure most of us would have loved that sexy slide into third. *wink/shimmy* Hehe I bet Bella is humming ‘take me out to the ballgame’ . Thank fuck, I really thought those kids were gonna dry hump until the last chappy which would have been fine as long as they a little less angst. JS. Is Edward going to retire. 26 is young. Anyyway, carry on...
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