Reviews for Witness
Rose Aarac chapter 1 . 12/30/2009
I love it! Interesting POV!
Silvergrass chapter 1 . 10/26/2009
*releases a breath*

Katsuyu chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
This is really sweet...
Hermione's Shadow chapter 1 . 9/28/2009
finally someone who remembers Kate, that was terrific, and I totally agree with you, so many people seem to think that Ziva and Kate would have hated each other but I totally disagree, I think they would have gotten along tremendously, I mean, can't you just see them ganging up on Tony? He wouldn't stand a chance! I know that a lot of people that loved Kate hate Ziva and a lot of people that like Ziva don't like Kate, or think just think she is way better than Kate. I'm not sure if its because I started watching the show during the fifth season, but I never though like that. They are both different people and I love them equally. I miss Kate all the time, and wish they would mention her a little more every now and then. I mean, they don't have to be all mopey and sad, but a found memory of her every now and then would be nice. Not only that, but I was really mad at the end of that one episode when Gibbs put Langers id on that wall and there was that huge picture of Paula but no picture of Kate. I know that Paula sacrificed herself for Gibbs and his team, but come on! Kate jumped in front of a bullet to protect Gibbs only to stand up and be killed just to cause Gibbs pain, she definitely deserved to have her picture up there! lol, ok I've said my piece, sorry for rambling, anyway, I loved your story!
purple.bookworm.girl chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
Wow...usually Kate-as-a-guardian-angel or something bothers me, but I like this. To look at how she would relate to Ziva and the people Tony and McGee have Good job!