Reviews for Mending Fences
Mistycat chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Great story.
Frakking Toasters chapter 1 . 11/26/2013
Awww nice. I like it when Dean can see Sam's side of things. xo
Mystic25 chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
You made a heaviness settle right behind my eyes...this was incredible.
Sparkiebunny chapter 1 . 4/8/2011
Wow, I can't believe this didn't get more reviews! I loved everything about it! First fo all, it was incredibly in-character and well-written. It sucked me in, put me right next to the characters, and gave me chills. Second of all, the pure EMOTION you conveyed with your words was astounding! Whether it was the narrative ro the dialogue, every line was well-crafted to leave the greatest impact. Awesome work! I loved it! :D
Desertfyre chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
That was beautiful! You've GOT to do a sequel for this. Pretty please? Lovely story!
Hermione's Shadow chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
I totally loved that! Even thought I hated the person that Sam was turning into in season 4, I totally got that he truly thought he was doing it for his brother. He is one of the few people with whom that justification is 100% truth. I hated what Sam was turning into, but I also hated that Dean couldn't see how much Sam was still suffering. I mean, I get that Dean was obviously very haunted and broken himself. I remember watching it at the time thinking that the writers were just completely ruining the show, and really, the only reason I was so completely hooked on the show was because of the bond between Sam and Dean. I mean, sure all the other stuff is cool, and in season 5 especially I came to LOVE Bobby and Cas, but at that point in time, my number 1 reason for watching was Sam and Dean's relationship, so to see it being destroyed, I almost stopped watching and I couldn't help but think the writers were like purposely trying to sink the show or something. Looking back now, I totally get that with everything happening, between the angels and demons and their own personal suffering and still trying to watch out for each other, I guess we are lucky they didn't out right just kill each other or both pull kamikaze stunts.
MysteryMadchen chapter 1 . 11/22/2009
So I was doing a search for new stories to keep me busy and I found your story. I really like it and I know it says it's complete but is there any way you might be whilling to make it a multichapter fic. With Sam's recovery. I hope if you do Sam will have some kind of debilitating injury. The emotional carnage is this snipbit alone was amazing, I can't wait to see where it could go. Thanks Nicole.
doyleshuny chapter 1 . 10/12/2009
EXCELLENT! I really loved that! I'm so glad that the brothers have become brothers again. I got so tired of the stuid fighting. Anyway you did a fantastic job! I SO LOVE SAMMY! I SO LOVE DEAN! I loved this!
tvdinnersrule chapter 1 . 10/6/2009
sunnyjunedays chapter 1 . 10/5/2009
Hi, This is great, i love it, perfect emotion, i really don't know what else to say, fantastic, thanks.

It's great to see you back, i could hardly believe my eyes when i saw your name in my inbox and yes, i would love to see 'If Only' continued, so i'll be waiting whenever you're ready. Take care. x
pandora jazz chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
It was a surprise to see your name as I scanned the new stories.

This story had a great start as Dean worried and paced the waiting room. I could imagine the other families not wanting to be near him.

I like how it was a random accident that injured Sam, not a hunt.

When Dean was deciding whether to go into Sam's room, I liked his thought, 'How he longs to go back to before all the hurt and betrayal and lies on both sides, to when they were just brothers fighting the good fight.' I think we all want that.

The brothers have both made mistakes, hopefully they are now on track to mending the wounds.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.
gidgetgal9 chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
The boys need a wake up call and this was a great little look at how if the could just get a peek into each others heads maybe healing would happen a bit quicker. :0)
sammygirl1963 chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
What an awesome oneshot. You actually had tears rolling down my face with this one. I'm so glad that Dean got to hear Sam's words so he could get a firm understaning of where his brother was coming from.

YAY...I am excited to hear that you are still woring on IF ONLY...I cannot wait for an update on that one!
TraSan chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
Gah! I wish they'd lay their feelings (and not only their actions) out on the table like this.

I really liked the premise you presented here, and the execution was perfect. Sam saying things that Dean was hurting too much to see, and he really did/does need to see them!

And you did it in a believable, digestible way without going over the top or taking the boys out of character.

No mean feat, girly. Awesome job!

It's great to see you back. You've been missed.
carocali chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
"When he’d told Sam to remember what he’d taught him, he was trying to keep Sam safe, not turn him into the perfect hunter. But grief and rage had turned the simple dying wish of a protective older brother into Sam’s manifest destiny. Sam never wanted to be rid of Dean; he’d only wanted to live up to Dean’s expectations, even after Dean had returned from hell. Be the hunter that Dean and their dad could be proud of. Dean had been too blind to see that the motivation had come from a pure place, of love and grief even if the decisions Sam made all led down the wrong path."

Yes! This is exactly right! I don't know if we'll ever get that spelled out for us on the show, but I think this is what we need.

Dean needs to understand what Sam went through without him, and even when he returned. He was so afraid of disappointing Dean that the only way he could continue was to finish what he'd started. He lied, yes, and that probably wasn't the right thing to do, but he did have good intentions... we see where those led.

I'm SO SO glad that you're back! I totally get about the boys not speaking to you, but I'm glad you've found their phone numbers!


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