Reviews for Pokemon Storm Clouds
Redumdelta chapter 2 . 10/23/2019
I preface this review with the admission that this is and anger-fueled rant. Don't read if you don't want to suffer a stupid-anal reviewer's butthurt. I have been looking through the fandom and you keep getting reccs.

I cannot believe no one has called you out on this. They suck and you have terribly stupid characters. SPEAKING IS NOT THE ONLY FORM OF COMMUNICATION THAT EXISTS. Seriously. I am sick and tired of hearing people recommend this story when one of the basic premises is complete nonsense. Oh, wow, your stupid human-turned-Eevee can't speak, whatever shall she/it do? It isn't like a person can't write with a stick or with their hands/paws. The story needs a complete rehaul.
Katarok chapter 24 . 10/25/2016
Best poke-fic out there!
Northwest Brony chapter 24 . 7/31/2016
I began reading this story on DeviantArt while it was still being written. I did not think to save the story in any way, and lost the ability to find it, and shortly thereafter my interest in Deviantart. I did not lose interest in this story, though.

Seven years later, now, I rediscover this story, and it is far better than. I remember. This was, to say the least, an epic journey. Not in the literal sense- there was no /in media res/, there was no shortcoming that was one's own undoing. Not in length, either, but in characters, the hardships that were faced, and the strenght of the writing. To take a story that starts with two friends and a machine to play Pokémon in 3D (in 2009) and turn it into the gripping masterpiece that it is speaks incredibly well to your skills. My favorite part of the story is the defense of the town. The verismilitude of the action was incredible, and the dialog between Tuber and Glimmer was heartbreaking.

Thank you for writing this story.
Akirys chapter 24 . 10/10/2014
First of all, I'm soo glad Nightshade got a backstory. It's amazingly, horrifically tragic. Hooray!

I also loved the final battle between Missy and Scyther. You say you can't write battle scenes? Of course you can, that was awesome. I also loved the happy ending (especially Armor's line, lol.)

About the story in general: Great! Your writing style is very unique, I've noticed, and your OCs are brilliant. Masque, Scyther, Nightshade, Armor - they're all very creative and original.

Pokemon: Storm Clouds is pretty much my go-to fic whenever I want to read something Pokemon Rebirth. Seriously, this genre is VERY hard to do well. What impresses me more is that you pulled it off using an Eevee for the main character, which is done a LOT (and is an open invitation for anything Mary-Sue.) But no, Missy is believable, has personality, emotion, she's just a darn good character overall, Eevee or no.

Finally, I was about halfway through the fic when I realized "Wait a minute - Dan isn't collecting all the badges!" And that's incredibly original. I love OT badge journey fics, and plan to write my own in the future, but P:SC has such an original plot within the Rebirth context; it just blows me away. And then the climax with Masque in the real world is unbelievable.

Overall, a very very original, well-thought-out, and exciting fic with a looot of awesome battle and characters. Thanks for writing!

Akirys chapter 19 . 10/10/2014
I'm going to pretend that the pink world Ruby saw was My Little Pony, and that was why she was shuddering. XD
Akirys chapter 18 . 10/10/2014
I like this chapter because you wrote in a little bit of interaction between Ruby and Nightshade. Besides some time with Missy and Ruby (and maybe Nemo), we haven't seen very much team dynamic/characterization. But I really love how diverse Dan's Pokemon's personalities are.
Akirys chapter 3 . 10/10/2014
"Maybe I should stay here...the lemonade is just as sweet." I love that line; it's so poignant. In rereading Storm Clouds (to gather inspiration for my own Pokemon Rebirth story) I've been noticing a lot of stuff I forgot or missed. But your writing is very good. Kudos!
SNicole25 chapter 24 . 9/17/2014
I've read this story before, on another account. It was amazing then and it's amazing now. I always thought it was a pity it didn't get more reviews.
chaoticparadigm chapter 24 . 8/9/2014
WOW! one of the best pokemon fanfics I've read on the site. loved the story thoroughly and couldn't find a bad point yo have an engaging and skilful writing style and a great imagination. Keep writing.
confused person chapter 10 . 10/26/2013
Well... that escalated quickly.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/18/2012
The slowpoke didn't have a double type disadvantage, because psychic is super-effective on bug.
shugokage chapter 24 . 7/11/2012
Great story very interesting and unique!
Last Warrior 7 chapter 24 . 4/9/2012
I have read this entire story and I have to say that I am impressed. this exceeded my expectations, but not only that, when I first read this the ending left me stunned. This is exactly what stories should be like, with an ending that ties together everything in one dramatic sweep. I love Mr. Shadow and his part. Of course I also liked this story because it had an eevee. You deserve 10x the amount of reviews you have now, but there is probably a reason for it. I couldn't put this story down so I have to say everything here. The plot really evolved, and I have no idea if you had it planned from the start but I am impressed, and that is hard to do with fanfiction.
sweetlilsunshine chapter 24 . 2/17/2012
That was amazingly sweet and awesome! I loved this story so much! I'm almost in tears that Its over :(
Hedgi chapter 24 . 11/26/2011
:) What a story! just.. What a story! that was amazing! I'm beyond happy that I read it. Wonderful job!
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