Reviews for Always
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
Goodo job
Crazy PurpleSage chapter 1 . 2/25/2011
Oh, I did read this already. Silly me, I forgot to review. This was very good too. And sad. Poor Naruto. So I guess everyone found out about his connection to Itachi and left him :( That's not right. So everyone now thinks he was killed by Akatsuki too? What a sad ending. What about Sasuke?

Poor Naruto. He didn't deserve that.
EvilPopcorn chapter 1 . 10/9/2009
I'd love to know how Naruto tricked everyone into believing he's dead. Anyway great fic! Loved it!
evanescenceangel18 chapter 1 . 10/5/2009
Wow this story was really sad. I cried at the end. I mean it wasnt full out bawling just a couple of tears fell. Poor Naruto I feel really bad for him for losing his love. Hm I never realized it till just now but that is true what he/you say about that word. Anyways love this amazing story. Love ya dear. XD