Reviews for Konoha's Itachi
callionope chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
This is so beautiful! I love this pair and I am so happy you did justice on their character! You're an amazing writer!
27thSky chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
You made me cry! Itachi is my absolute favorite character in Naruto and I thank you for allowing me to see him as he is, as Konoha's Itachi and as the best big brother in the world.
bemorereal chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
I absolutely loved this story. I almost lost it and cried. Itachi's character is spot on. We never really got to see much of an interaction between Itachi and his team mates in the manga, so it was really nice to see him have a bond with someone and live his life a little, like a normal person. It was heart touching and somehow really felt right. Ah, and I really want to thank you for the last hug scene, Itachi really needed that. I hope against hope that somebody actually did it for him before he left for that doomed mission in the actual manga, though we didn't get any of that. I do hope that you write more of Itachi centric or even the new Uchiha family stories in the future.
Thank you for such a wonderful story.
punkdraco chapter 1 . 7/22/2015
This is beautiful omg
lumutness chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
Interesting choice of characters and point of view (and pairing). Sad, too.

Now, the lingering problem is, did Hana break that promise or not? Or did Sasuke just too focused on his revenge to acknowledge it? (that's partly Itachi's fault for traumatizing him with Tsukiyomi).

Hmm, I almost want a sequel for this, just to relieve my curiousity. One that includes Hana and Sasuke's interactions. Do you want to make a sequel?
fanofthisfiction chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
This story was a genuine gem when it came to depicting Itachi's life and his inner essence. I especially enjoyed the tenderness that is shown in his interaction with Hana. Her feelings, echo deeply at the feelings and understandings the village would have had if they had been privy to who he was. Your words in italics really imprint on the reader. I especially like the implied messages mentioned after the conversations or the explanations of what things mean. The pedestal he is put on is well done, and well deserved after one actually knows what he does for everyone in the manga. Bravo for taking this story to great heights!
Angelix.onix.luna chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
Guest chapter 1 . 11/27/2013
rebecca chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
Beautiful. Amazingly subtle and in character.
ahsie chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
Was looking around and decided to go with this one instead. (Must save the longer word counts for a rainy day xD ).
This be the 2nd Fic i've read with Hana and Itachi in it :D
Complain: You have fewer Itachi fics than Shika fics! But well, can't be help, you are Shadow Owner after all :P

Back to proper reviewing.
Well, this is a very interesting take on things. Since this part of Itachi's life has never been revealed - his friends. Seeing as to how he was a prodigy, he probably skipped that whole Genin stage where they had their trio units. He held a Chuunin rank while the rest of his age-mates were Genin. Making him a stand alone ninja. Nearly every other prominent ninja had a 'team' they originated from. But in Itachi's case, not as such.
Seeing him befriends with Hana was a really nice thing to read about - makes me wish Kishimoto would write/draw more about Itachi's friends! The only 'friend' Itachi has been featured with was Kisame when they were in the Akatsuki unit.

This just makes me even sadder for Itachi. :'( He's so pitiful!

And then you go make him so vulnerable and all in this story! All the more pitiful! How can everyone NOT want to give him a hug? :( :( :(
I'm glad Hana gave him a hug! Thank you Hana! If only this were real! I bet Itachi never received much hugs in his younger days, probably from Sasuke, but no one else most probably. Sad! Ah, my heart goes out to you Itachi And to think Kishimoto made him die, TWICE, in the real-manga. Cruel! Like as though his painful life wasn't enough?!

*sighs* Sadness aside. It's great to see an area of 'Naruto world' chronology usually unexplored, explored. This 'Konoha's Itachi' has made me appreciate non-AU material more. O_O Yes, you ought to be amazed, this is a feat you have achieved! Pat yer self on da back mate!
I want to read more like these, more of Itachi's growing up days - prior to the Uchiha genocide. There's so little known about him in those days!

Gah, you've stired a thirst to hunt for such fics! Nooo this is not good, we have boring journal articles that need to be read instead!

XP Haha, well till later
animefan1992 chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
beautiful story, the end had me in tears

and i loved 'Ino's Smile' too

(sorry for the late review)

PennyOfTheWild chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.
idiosyncrasies chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
How sweet. I love your story. :) Awesome.
VeronicaLee chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
- Love this story.

And I love Hana in this story, she is really comprehensive and she loved him enough to let him go and she did understand him, even if he didn't explain her the real situation.
Lille Venn chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
I really enjoyed this story! What I liked the most was... it's hard for me to explain, but i liked the general feeling, how it seems so real. Hana wasn't going all I-don't-want-you-to-leave or please-stay-with-me. We, unfortunately, don't know all that much about Hana, but I'm sure she is like this, understanding and respectful of other's wishes. Hope you get something of what I'm trying to convey:)
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