Reviews for Serendipity
Kiaopera9 chapter 29 . 7/17/2019
If you are still out there please complete this story. In one of your notes you promised this story WILL BE COMPLTED. You even hinted at a sequel.

I'm holding you to that promise.
EmperorsConcerto chapter 5 . 10/9/2017
So I'm reading this story again for the second, or possibly third time, and I have to say; your characterisation of Kirk and Uhura is my absolute favourite! I love the way you've had them grow into each other - which I think is exactly what would happen. I love what you've done with Kirk's backstory: as heartbreaking as it is, it makes narrative sense given he was a bit of a problem child and an angry young man. It also speaks that much more to his strength of character that, despite the horrors he lived through, the difficult childhood, he's standing tall and thriving. I also love the way his relationship with Uhura and the bond he has with her is slowly but surely helping him become a little more emotionally available with other people. I marvel at the balance you've struck with the Kirk/Uhura romance: at once heady and intoxicating, as well as grounded and real. It's not overly romanticized, overly sentimental: you allow them to address the real life complications they would inevitably face. But the way you have them tackle these challenges manages to affirm and strengthen their love even more. It's simply wonderful! I can't thank you enough for writing this story, especially for a couple that is woefully underrated and underappreciated. Thank you!
EmperorsConcerto chapter 11 . 10/4/2017
Another great chapter! This fic just keeps getting better and better. First of all, I love the Bones and Spock friendship. Since Star Trek: Beyond, they've become my favourite friendship so it was great to see that here - it also seems you were somewhat clairvoyant, calling it before it actually turned up onscreen ;). And wow. Some revelations about Kirk. Something very traumatic evidently happened on Tarsus IV, that had long reaching effects not just on Jim, but on his relationships with his family. My heart broke for him and his perpetual estrangement with his mother. I hope he'll let Nyota be there for him eventually, and I also hope that Nyota's mother is sweet to him :). She'll never replace his own mum, of course, but he could do with a little maternal support and caring. Can't wait to read what happens next! Thanks, as always, for writing this.
EmperorsConcerto chapter 6 . 10/3/2017
I've just had the pleasure of reading the first 6 chapters of this in one go. What a fantastic story! Your attention to detail, creating the world of the Federation, is amazing. It feels like an actual episode. And then there's Kirk and Uhura - YAY! I absolutely adore this couple and I love the way you've written their dynamic here. Their evolution from "enemies" to friends to lovers feels completely natural and somewhat inevitable - the sparks between Kirk and Uhura are so unselfconsciously genuine, it really does feel like it was only a matter of time. I love the alternating point of view and the details of their pasts you interweave seamlessly through it all, fleshing out the characters. I look forward to seeing how this develops. On to the next chapter! Thanks for writing and sharing this gem of a fic and spreading the Kirk/Uhura love! :)
kufanatic chapter 29 . 3/7/2016
Nadiea, Nadiea, Nadiea PLEASE write SOMETHING!
You have a great story line going as is validated by 197 extremely faltering and very supported reviews; not to mention all those many silent fans also reading this story.
We don't need all the mystery. Just fine Kirk folks and return to the romance between Kirk/Uhura.
Years don't matter just begin writing again.
Guest chapter 29 . 11/22/2015
I just found your fic. Have enjoyed it very much. I hope you resolve all the problems and get back to the k/u romance. There are so few romantics stories about these two. Most are frenzies over the top erotica. Please continue. We need some great romance with all the negative happening in the world these days.
Kufanatic chapter 29 . 11/11/2015
Have not given up! How ur muse for back soon.
tanseynz chapter 29 . 9/12/2015
What an amazing story. I assume, given it's over two years since you updated that you've moved on, however I truly enjoyed what you've done and had some fun trying to imagine what happened next. Your characters, both canon and original, really fit in well with your multiplicity of plots, and I suspect Spock and his Vulcan cohorts will have a large part to play in trying to bring the Romulans down.
tanseynz chapter 27 . 9/12/2015
Is Pike out of his tree? I just hope if the excrement hits the fan he recognises team building comes a distant second to survival!
tanseynz chapter 26 . 9/12/2015
Whew! I was expecting them to have to go and rescue T'Pau or that something would happen endangering Stev. Jenny seems nice, but you never know as she's old enough to carry quite a few secrets herself.
tanseynz chapter 22 . 9/12/2015
Got to laugh at Bones over this 'formality' bit. If your Bones is canon, he only pushes formality when he's on the back foot, such as being himself injured, and his staff pull rank as medics. Otherwise he doesn't give a damn as long as nobody calls him Bones. Except Kirk, of course. And when they're working hard in sickbay, his staff always use honorifics to their ranking officer anyway.
tanseynz chapter 19 . 9/12/2015
T'Pau is amazing, and certainly far more forward thinking than many of the other Vulcan elders. This is a really enjoyable story, in part because you haven't made it at all predictable and because you've included several interesting side stories which add a lot of richness.
One small gripe - it's 'toe the line' not 'tow'. It comes from a runner's toe touching the line at the start of a race but not permitted to be over.
tanseynz chapter 3 . 9/12/2015
I'm really enjoying this, I think because you've clearly thought in depth about not just the core characters but how they interreact, and it shows in the way you portray them. Given Uhura and Kirk are rather an unlikely pairing, I look forward to seeing how you develop their relationship.
The start has certainly shown much promise.
Kiaopera9 chapter 29 . 6/27/2015
Pleased don't give up. Its not too late to finish this story. I love it and would like to have and ending. I agree we need more k/u intimate parts where he really open up to her and share his true thoughts and fears and she can help him through hard time. This is a great story so far but give us more. Please update!
kufanatic chapter 28 . 3/13/2015
When you continue this story please add more k/u romance. It would be wonderful to see kirk open up to her.
Make it a true loving and trusting partnership with Nyota helping him get through his anst. That would be great.
Anyway, i have been longing for an update. Please update soon.
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