Reviews for Host Clubs Are Doomed To Be Bitten To Death
Melodious Lion chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
Lol, oh god. XD
Paradoxismminant chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
i LOL'D SO HARD. nuff said
Citrus Sunscreen chapter 1 . 10/20/2009
LOL at "Sakura Deluxe Package"! Hilarious! It's just like Hiba to recognise Muku's kiss as a challenge! xD

"Kufufu... Getting nervous aren't we? Is this your first time?" That line got me. xD I'm such a MukuHiba fanatic. Thank-you so much! ~

"He should really consider starting a business for male clients soon." No~Muku should stay true to Hiba...doubtful...but a fangirl can dream.

Thanks~ I'd like to believe that Tsunako is an OC. -
Tuna1827 chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
lol at the eyebrows, and the "We still... have the Sakura Deluxe Package..." is just priceless, lol. and mukuro, you should start a business for guys too, just for us fangirls!
simply anonymous chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
lol! hibari is just too funny sometimes..