Reviews for Kiss Me Freely
Guest chapter 25 . 9/19
This makes no sense whatsoever. A few chapters back Draco tells Hermione under the willow tree about finding his Father performing the cruciatus curse on his Mother in the kitchen of the Manor as she baked cinnamon buns for his Birthday, but now Hermione seems to have completely forgotten the entire conversation they had under the willow tree and is oblivious as to why he doesn't want her baking in the Heads Tower! That's one hell of a slip up considering it was a major part of the story. I take back what I said before, I really hope you haven't become a published author if you can make such a huge mistake with a major part of the story. Plus your A/N are becoming as long as the chapters. I'm glad I'm reading this many years after you wrote it as I would not have the patience to wait so long between chapters, and I still have that image in my head of the person who jumped in front of your train. Again, thanks for sharing that!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/17
As much as I love your writing style, I really don't think it was necessary to give us all the image of the poor person who jumped in front of the train you were on. It is very distressing and could do some of your readers some real harm if they suffer from mental health issues. I'm now going to read the next chapter with that horrific image in my head. Thanks for that.
pitsreads chapter 27 . 4/10
I am waiting for the sequel.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
Im sorry but why is your hermione so abusive?! Honestly. I really enjoy your characters, stories etc, but your version of hermione is a biiatch. She can be nice...when she gets her way. Where is the equality in the relationship, cause I don’t see it. If I don’t want to do something, you hitting me constantly isn’t going to make me any more likely to agree. I’ll probably hit you back, and tell you to shove it where the sun don’t shine. If she manipulated him in to situations like saying lots of flirty men who thought she was single were going to be there then that’s a laugh, he’s there because he gets jealous, but her hitting him and insulting him until he agrees just isn’t funny.
Qween87 chapter 27 . 12/17/2019
This was amazing and beautiful and just everything. I absolutely loved both of these stories.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/15/2019
Good job love
Guest chapter 9 . 8/15/2019
I honestly love this ship so much. I don't know why it isn't canon
Guest chapter 8 . 8/15/2019
I actually did quite like the way she helped Hermione
Guest chapter 6 . 8/15/2019
I really like your work and think it's really well written. I've read quite a lot of it and I thought it was good enough that I should leave a review even though I don't have an account which I have never done before for anyone else. So keep up the good work I guess and good luck becoming a full-time writer! You have so much talent to be proud of and there is someone out there rooting for you even though they have literally no idea who you are. :)
ultrachols chapter 27 . 7/19/2019
I love these 2 series. I regret that you will not write more
catita55555 chapter 27 . 3/6/2019
That ending was so sweet. I loved it. It was great to read a story that focused on the envitable PTSD these characters would have had considering their childhoods. Some chapters were a little hard to read, seeing how broken their minds truly were. But you write their anxieties, fears, delusions, et al, so vividly. Thank you!
catita55555 chapter 3 . 3/2/2019
The interaction with the Fat Lady and friends to get into Griffyndor was priceless! I chortled heartily
jpspike chapter 27 . 2/18/2019
This story got me right in the feels. I truly felt for the characters at every turn and a part of me really wishes the books had this pairing in them. Love your writing style too, it brings the scenes to life so well.
KingTJStevens chapter 27 . 1/31/2019
I read MCMM but I didn't like it much because I felt like Draco/Hermione's relationship was shallow and that there were a lot of loose ends. It didn't feel like the story came to a satisfying conclusion.

I really enjoyed Kiss Me Freely because I felt like Draco/Hermione and their relationship was portrayed better. There was also a lot more clarity on the Ron situation which I think you dealt with really well.

I think you should label the two stories as being Part 1 and Part 2 of a series. I don't think the readers should read one fic without having read the other.
sweetsycandy chapter 25 . 12/22/2018
I thought they already discussed Draco’s nightmares about baking?
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