Reviews for Mind Thief
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22
This is great! Carry on with these stories please. For those who found and speed watched this series during lockdown. We need satisfaction. The series has so much potential but didn't go the way it could have...
Fanndis chapter 8 . 11/23/2018
Oh dear, this is one of the best Listener stories I've read, and I neeeed an ending! I know it's been ages, but pretty please!
fs440 chapter 8 . 9/10/2017
Whhhhyyyy do writers do this to us?!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/8/2015
Ever gonna finish this?
Guest chapter 8 . 6/6/2014
I really liked this story and hope you might come back to it some day!
Love The Listener ! !
meantforinfinitesadness chapter 8 . 4/25/2014
So um hi. Love this! Just wanting to know when or if you're going to continue this. Honest to goodness, bit of a cliffhanger
LightningThiefLover chapter 8 . 1/4/2014
This is great! Please update soon!
Guest chapter 8 . 9/16/2013
this is awesome. please update soon.
zoneofk chapter 8 . 8/19/2013
This is one of the best, if the very best Listener fics I've read! I have read right through to this last chapter with baited breath to see and watch would happen. I have to know what happens next! Please - a box of virtual cookies if you can finish this story please! Honestly, I've been hooked on every single word and FELT the emotion from Toby so much. I would do anything for you to keep writing :-) What can I say - I'm on tenderhooks here NEEDING to read more of Mind Thief!

Iceangel1229 chapter 8 . 6/29/2013
This is a really good story! I hope you finish it soon! Until next time :)
WitchPencil chapter 8 . 6/29/2013
Ahh! Seriously! You can't stop there! Omg, I plead, please finish this story! Can't you tell how much I mean this from all my exclamations.
But seriously, this is a really good story and use love to hear the end of it.
Silken chapter 8 . 6/22/2012
Please, do continue the story! You just cannot leave it at this point, just when things get really interesting... Pretty please!
Riptide2 chapter 8 . 6/1/2012
Wow! Really great story! Hoping for an update because I have to know what happens to Toby!
Alligates chapter 8 . 5/26/2012
What? You can't just end it there! There aren't enough Listener fanfics on this site, and this one is really worthy of being one of the best! It deserves an ending, don't you think?
Guest chapter 8 . 4/21/2012
Continue please

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